Record Ozone hole (Antarctica, Sept ‘06)
The Earth at night: ~85% fossil fuel powered
Fossil fuel burning is melting the Arctic
Making a last stand?
How far can they swim?
Shell Oil view of non-ff energy sources to 2060
Fossil fuels are dominated by coal
“ The Stone Age didn’t end because they ran out of stones” - Sheik Yamani (OPEC) - Sheik Yamani (OPEC)
Air travel the fastest growing CO2 source
Moving mountains (West Va)
And the rough places made plane
Trans-Alaska pipeline
China: a new 500 Mw plant every week
Air pollution from fossil fuel burning in China
Can you see Beijing ?
Pollution haze covers eastern China
Carbon sequestration schemes
Norwegian natural gas (North Sea)
Sleipner (North Sea sequestration)
Sleipner: 1MtonC/yr sequestered