微生物應用工業 Ch5. 微生物催化劑 阮雪芬 Nov 19, 2002 NTUT
Primary Structure
Peptide-bond Formation
Amino Acid Sequences Have Direction
Components of a Polypeptide Chain Backbone: constant Side chains: variable
Cross-links Disulfide bond
Amino Acid Sequence of Bovine Insulin
Peptide Bond Are Plane Side chain AA1 AA2
C-N single bond: 1.49 C=N double bond: 1.27
Secondary Structure
Structure of Alpha Helix
Schematic Views of alpha helices Ball-and-stick Ribbon Cyclindrical
Structure of a Beta Strand An antiparallel beta sheet A parallel beta sheet
Structure of a Mixed Beta Sheet
A Twisted beta Sheet
A Protein Rich in Beta Sheets The structure of a fatty acid-binding proteins
Structure of a Reverse Turn H bond Reverse turn is also known as the beta turn or hairpin bend
Loops on a Proteins Surface Unlike alpha helices and beta strands, loops do not have regular, periodic structure
Tertiary Structure
Three-dimensional Structure of Myoglobin The first protein to been seen in atomic detail.
Distribution of Amino Acids in Myoglobin : Hydrophobic amino acids : Charged amino acids : others
Protein Domains The cell-surface protein CD4 consists of four similar domains
Quaternary Structure
Dimer The Cro Protein of Bacteriophage Lamda