Online Cafeteria Service What can it do for you???
If Convenience is the Key Then why is the line up so long??
Our Objective… To bring back the feeling of a “Quick Bite” To shorten the line during peak lunch hour To offer more convenience for NCHU Students, Faculty, and Staff
Services Offered… Online Menu and Ordering System SMS update of menu, price, and daily specials via Mobile Devices Automated POS Machines for Quick Transaction Processing Customizable webpage to set menu favourites and requests
Potential Stakeholders… Catering Company / NCHU Restaurant Stock Suppliers Financial Institution (First Bank) And of course, NCHU
Back End Services… Use NCHU Student and Faculty Database to track activity Must be seamless; important for Financial Transactions Suppliers may log in to predict Procurement Demand Possible link to Financial Institution with ‘iCash’ type payment card
earn $50*500(people a day) =25,000 $25,000*30/month*10=75,000,000 total earn 75,000,000
cost Electric = $ 10000/month Water = $ 5000/month Gas = $ 20000/month Food = $ 3,000,000/year Salary = a) full time 5 people * 20000/month =$100,000 b) part time 5 people * 95/hr * 7hrs/day * 20 days/month = $665,000
Costs Cont. Machines = $1,000,000 * 5 Machines = $$5,000,000 Maintain = $20,000/year Website = Design = $10,000/time Development/Maintain = $20,000/Season Total Cost = $10,185,000 First year = lost of $2,685,000
Online Cafeteria Service What can it do for you???