PatReco: Detection Alexandros Potamianos Dept of ECE, Tech. Univ. of Crete Fall
Detection Classification problems with two classes are sometimes referred to as detection problems For detection problems the two classes are referred to as ω 2 and ω 1 = NOT ω 2 In statistics NOT ω 2 is the null hypothesis H 0 and ω 2 is H 1
Detection Goal: Detect an Event Hit (Success): event occurs and is detected False Alarm: event does not occur but is detected Miss (Failure): event occurs and goes undetected Correct Reject: event neither occurs nor detected In traditional Bayes classifier terms: P(correct) = P(Hit) + P(Correct Reject) P(error) = P(False Alarm) + P (Miss)
Detection Examples House Alarm (detect burglary) Reading bits of a CD or a DVD (detect 1’s) Medical screening (e.g., detect cancer) Hit (Success): cancer present and detected False Alarm: caner not present but not detected Miss (Failure): cancer present and goes undetected Correct Reject: cancer neither present nor detected Further testing No action
HitMiss False Alarm Correct Reject
Receiver Operator Curve (ROC-curve) Equal Error Rate(EER) Operation Point
Conclusions Detection is a special case of two-class classification Type I and Type II errors (miss and false alarms) often have different costs Often increase Bayes error to minimize total cost Select an operation point on the ROC-curve