1 What optical phenomena is shown here?
2 Chem270 Geology and the Engineer Professor Howard L. McLean Department of Chemistry Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Spring 2007 Day 03 Mineral Properties for Identification H SG S L notes (Table 4.9)
3 Important Non-silicate Minerals (sulfides) MineralHSGColorStreakLusternotes FeS 2 pyrite6.55.1brass yellow blackmetallicstrikes fire with steel, cc Chalcopyrite CuFeS brass yellow blackmetalliciridescent CuS covellite dark bluegrey- black metallicpurplish tarnish galena PbS2.57.5lead greygreyMetallic (dull) cubic cleavage Bornite Cu 5 FeS Browngreymetalliciridescent Sphalerite ZnS 3.54Dark brownBrownresinoustranslucent
4 Important Non-silicate Minerals (sulfides) Hamblin; Howard, Exercises in Physical Geology
5 Important Non-silicate Minerals (sulfides) Hamblin; Howard, Exercises in Physical Geology
6 Important Non-silicate Minerals (native elements) MineralHSGColorStreakLusternotes Cu copper2.58.9red metallicmalleable Ag silver grey whitewhitemetallicmalleable Au gold yellow metallicmalleable Sb antimony3.56.7grey whitegreymetallicsectile C diamond103.5variable--greasysparkles C graphite12.2black metallicmarks paper S sulfur22.1yellowwhite yellow resinousodor upon burning
7 Important Non-silicate Minerals (native elements) Hamblin; Howard, Exercises in Physical Geology
8 Important Non-silicate Minerals (oxides) MineralHSGCSLnotes Cu 2 O cuprite3.56.1red metallicdissolves, HCl Al 2 O 3 corundum 94brown-bluevitreousvery hard! Fe 2 O 3 hematite 65.3brown- black redmetallicmagnetic when heated Fe 3 O 4 magnetite 65.2black metallicmagnetic FeCr 2 O 4 chromite blackbrownmetallicno cleavage Al 2 O 3. 2H 2 O bauxite 22.1red-brownbrowndullearthy concretionary
9 Important Non-silicate Minerals (oxides) Hamblin; Howard, Exercises in Physical Geology
10 Important Non-silicate Minerals (oxides) Hamblin; Howard, Exercises in Physical Geology
11 Important Non-silicate Minerals (oxides) MineralHSGColorStreakLusternotes SnO 2 cassiterite 6.57Brown- black White- brown VitreousTranslucent FeTiO 3 ilmenite Black MetallicNonmagnetic FeO(OH) goethite 54.4Brown DullCrystalline Fe 2 O 3. 3H 2 O limonite 53.8BrownYellow- brown DullEarthy
12 Important Non-silicate Minerals (oxides) Hamblin; Howard, Exercises in Physical Geology
13 Important Non-silicate Minerals (halide salts) MineralHSGColorStreakLusternotes NaCl halite2.52.2variablewhitevitreouswater soluble KCl sylvite 2.2variablewhitevitreouswater soluble CaF 2 fluorite43.2variablewhitevitreoustranslucent
14 Important Non-silicate Minerals (halide salts) Hamblin; Howard, Exercises in Physical Geology
15 Important Non-silicate Minerals (phosphates) MineralHSGColorStreakLusternotes triphyllitewater soluble Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 apatite Ca 5 (PO 4 ) 3 (F,Cl,OH) 53.2green variable whitevitreoussub-resinoous
16 Important Non-silicate Minerals (carbonates) MineralHSGColorStreakLusternotes CaCO 3 calcite32.7variablewhitevitreoussoluble in HCl CaCO 3 aragonite colorlesswhitevitreousstained with MnSO 4 (Mg,Ca) 2 (CO 3 ) 2 dolomite white- brown whitevitreousFresh powder soluble in HCl Cu 3 (OH) 2 CO 3 malachite 3.54bright green greensilky- dull Cu 2 (OH) 2 (CO 3 ) 2 azurite dark blue bluevitreous FeCO 3 siderite brownwhitevitreous
17 Important Non-silicate Minerals (carbonates) Hamblin; Howard, Exercises in Physical Geology
18 Important Non-silicate Minerals (carbonates) MineralHSGColorStreakLusternotes BaCO 3 witherite3.54.3white- grey whiteresinousrough striations PbCO 3 cerussite36.6white- grey whitevitreous
19 Important Non-silicate Minerals (sulfates) MineralHSGColorStreakLusternotes BaSO 4 barytes34.5white- grey whitevitreoustubular crystals SrSO 4 celestine3.54white- blue whitevitreousvery brittle PbSO 4 anglesite36.3white- blue whitevitreousassociated with galena CaSO 4 anhydrite33White- brown whitepearlysplintery fracture CaSO 4. 2H 2 O gypsum 22.3colorlesswhitevitreousflexible, inelastic
20 Important Non-silicate Minerals (sulfates) Hamblin; Howard, Exercises in Physical Geology