Prepared By Prof Alvin So1 SOSC 188 Lecture 6 Dependency Theory (II): Education
Prepared By Prof Alvin So2 Modernization Perspective on Education Dependency Perspective on Education Issues of Third World Education
Prepared By Prof Alvin So3 Modernization Perspective on Education Education promotes technical progress human capital, and modern values Emphasizes the poor quality of third world education -incompetent professors, unmotivated students, state repressions Solution to third world education - more core linkages (more foreign professors, more exchange problems, more foreign scholarships)
Prepared By Prof Alvin So4 Dependency Perspective on Education Core linkages as cultural imperialism Only produced elites to serve the colonial government Copy cores ’ education system, get foreign stars, foreign publication better than local publication, and rely on outside evaluation Not publish in local language and local journal, irrelevant to local society and local needs Solution to third world education - cut core linkages, develop local resources
Prepared By Prof Alvin So5 Issues of Third World Education Over-expanded educational system - Over-production of graduates, leading to credential inflation, under-employment, unemployment, resulted in many dissatisfied and rebellious intellectuals The brain drain strengths a nation ’ s dependency of the West?