NEW FUNDING FORMULA Two components Base Funding Effective Strategy Funding
BASE FUNDING Smaller piece of formula Distributed by weighted per pupil allocation Weights based on indicators missed in AYP Any activity identified by Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CAN) to improve the school and address the AYP indictor missed.
EFFECTIVE STRATEGY FUNDING Larger piece of formula Distributed equally among campuses Optional funding- campus chooses to apply or not; may still apply for base funding without applying for the effective strategy funding
EXAMPLES OF EFFECTIVE STRATEGY FUNDING Stage 1 specific- Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Stage 1 specific- Campus Planning Event (CPE) with technical assistance from SIRC Customized technical assistance from the Regional ESC to improve instruction and increase student achievement
Early Warning Data System or other approved dropout prevention activity Building infrastructure for college readiness Building the infrastructure for Texas Turnaround Leadership Academy EXAMPLES OF EFFECTIVE STRATEGY FUNDING
PSP ROLE Review CNA with campus Guide selection of no more than two aligned activities from the approved list, aligned to identified needs Contact TEA if you determine a different program strategy would most benefit the campus. This request is to be sent to School Improvement and Support Division account at: