International education competitiveness Ainslie Moore Universities Australia
International education competitiveness Does our domestic regulation hamper the competitiveness of our services suppliers? International Education in Australia – cresting the third wave Falling international student enrolments – the perfect storm Policy Failure? - Student visa policy - ESOS regulation (or lack thereof) - General Skilled Migration policies – the moving feast
International Education in Australia – cresting the third wave 1 st wave: Colombo Plan: Education as Aid 2 nd wave: Education as trade 3 rd wave: Education as global engagement
The Perfect Storm Global Financial Crisis Strong Australian Dollar The US and UK step up Student safety/college closures : Reputation Visa and Migration Policy
The Perfect Storm Global Financial Crisis Strong Australian Dollar
The Perfect Storm The US and UK step up Student safety/college closures : Reputation
Domestic Policy Failure? Student visa policy (Knight Review) ESOS regulation (Baird Review) General Skilled Migration – Points Test Review
International Competitiveness Domestic policy settings – a help or a hindrance to international competitiveness?