20-1 Physics I Class 20 Electric Potential
20-2 Work Integral in Multiple Dimensions (Review)
20-3 Does work depend on the path? Conservative Forces (Review)
20-4 Electrostatic Force A Conservative Force
20-5 Potential Energy (Review)
20-6 Electric Potential Energy
20-7 Electric Potential
20-8 The Unit of Electric Potential
20-9 Electric Potential from a Point Source Charge
20-10 Calculating Electric Potential from Point Source Charges
20-11 Relationship of Electric Field and Electric Potential
20-12 Equipotential Lines and Field Lines
20-13 Equipotential Lines and Field Lines
20-14 Equipotential Lines – Similarity to Topographic Maps
20-15 Calculating Electric Field from Electric Potential
20-16 Calculating Change in K.E. from Electric Potential
20-17 Calculating the Potential Energy of a Configuration of Point Charges The order of numbering doesn’t matter. We assume the potential energy of charges infinitely far from each other is zero. Perhaps surprisingly, the potential energy of this configuration is also zero.
20-18 Class #20 Take-Away Concepts
20-19 Class #20 Problems of the Day
20-20 Class #20 Problems of the Day
20-21 Activity #20 Electric Potential
20-22 Class #20 Optional Material Electron Volt Energy Units
20-23 Calculating Change in K.E. Using eV Energy Units