End Cap Board Testing Status at Penn July 14, 2004 Anton & Campion Mitch
Tools thrate program Threshold ramp examines occupancy. Edge Rate ( Frequency Plots). tpscan program Will be used on second pass to examine low gain chips for internal connectivity. DVM measurements Verify continuity to ASICS, low level diagnosis of problems.
‘A’ Wheel Boards from NBI Received 12 Tested 12 4 Shorts on NAIS Connectors 8 ASD’s with > 20 DAC cnts Low Offset 5 ASD’s with 10<Offset<20 19 ASD’s with “ Low “ Gain
Example Anomolies ASD A Normal ASD Chip High Offset Not Typical Failure Low Gain
ASD Anomolies ASD A Normal ASD Chip High Offset Not Typical Failure Low Gain Threshold Scan edge rate analysis
Low Threshold Offsets ASD A ASD A
‘B’ Wheel Boards from NBI Total of 11 - Results from 8 Tabulated 1 No detected problem 2 Shorted input pins 1 Questionable output 1 Bad ASD output 2 Possibly misaligned connectors (intermittent missing channel ) 6 Lo gain 2 Offset > < Offset< 20
B Wheel Board #VNG0061 ASD #A Unusual Input Resistance on low gain channels 12, 14, 14, 15K ohms
Algen Boards 25 received - 19 tested 0 Assembly Errors 6 Offset > 20 30, 40, 45, …. 9 10< Offset < 20 1 Lo Gain
ASDBLR Questions 1.Is the IMS testing accurate enough? 2.Is the selection working? ( Yes so far.) 3.Do we want to change the threshold offset acceptance windows? 4.Do we want additional IMS cut criteria?