You could be disabled 93% conducted by Lim Myung Joon
Casey Martin - The 1994 NCAA golf championship with Tiger Woods - Right leg extremely weak after 18 years old He needed a golf cart - PGA tour refused…….
composition of the interviewer
The situation of America - ADA : Law in America dealing with Disabled person
discrimination - Building - 6th Ave Building - Extended building - Job - facility - mind - Hobby
Hobby Non-disabled person - Sports - Martial Arts - Rafting Disabled person - Reading - Talking - Painting - Watching Movie They want to - Dancing - Sports
Most Value Relation with people - Family - Friend Their purpose - Job - Dream - Friend
Happiness What factor makes them happy? - joining with society - no obstacle to get their dream - opportunity to do what ever they want - chance to succeed
Conclusion What should we do? -Summary - The situation of America - Discrimination - Same opportunity