Race for Cake By Geri Murray
Ben and Jess had a swim in the lake. It was late.
"I think Mom made a cake," said Jess. "Mmm! I can smell it bake," said Ben.
"Race to the gate?" asked Jess. Ben said "Yes!" The race was on. They made a dash for the gate.
Lad was in a daze. But with a shake, he jumped up and ran to get in the race.
But Ben fell. He had a scrape on his face. Lad had to help. “Stop, Lad," Ben said as Lad licked his face. Help! Jess, chase him back."
Jess said, "Help is on the way. It is Mom with cake!" Mom gave Jess the cake plate and helped Ben get up.
Lad jumped at Jess. Plop! The cake made a mess. What a shame for Ben and Jess, but not for Lad.
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