Streamlining Solicitations May 24, 2011
The Office of Annual Giving raises small to medium sized gifts ($1-$24,999) from individuals each year to support Oakland University’s general operating needs and designated college/schools’ programs. Purpose of Annual Giving
Intention of Streamlining Process
Consumers are Being Bombarded
How are We Doing?
October/ November: OU Telefund—Unrestricted support, Fall Magazine: OU Fund Ask November/December: All-University Fund Drive (Mostly restricted support) December: Pledge fulfillment via follow up letters/ , CYE thank you January: Month of rest March/April: Spring Telefund- Unrestricted support April/May: Telefund fulfillment,LYBUNT/SYBUNT Academic Unit direct appeals June: Thank You to All Donors for that FY July: Donor month of rest August: Matching gift Reminder September: Data prep, telefund/unit/direct mail seg. The Annual Giving Solicitation Cycle
Birthday s
How Can We Be More Effective?
1. Whenever possible personalize 2. A picture is worth a thousand words 3. A response mechanism 4. Solicitation Code & Fund Name and Number 5. If you are inviting credit card gifts a signature is (required) 5 Things TO Include
1. A request for the CVV code 2. Too much text, or to many giving options 3. A promise that you cannot keep short or long term 4. The wrong or mis-spelled donor name 5. Donor information that you cannot follow through on 5 Things NOT TO Include
Become a Champion of the Donor Bill of RightsDonor Bill of Rights
Quid Pro Quo Contributions Fundraising Events: OU has a procedure for determining the Fair Market Value, (FMV), for goods and services provided to donors at fundraising events where something of value is exchanged for a payment. OU has an Excel template to help determine the FMV of the goods and services. Work with your Development Officer to determine FMV for any Fundraising Events. The FMV must be communicated to the donor on marketing materials.
Gift Register
When you work with us on your solicitation, many times we can bypass the gift register and use a label to give us the information needed for gift entry: (Thank you Alison for this wonderful example!)
IRS says we must keep 3 years of solicitations to prove we don’t discriminate. Bypass the gift register for split gifts. Straight gifts can be returned directly to gift accounting – donor receives receipt quicker – you get data on reports sooner. Solicitation code further defines your ask – remember, garbage in, garbage out. I won’t be calling you. Advantages to Working W/Us?
Advancement Services Website
Top of the Form
Step 1
Step 2
Steps 3, 4, and 5
The Form