Passive Optical Networks (PONs) Specific Systems: Passive Optical Networks (PONs) #14 Victor S. Frost Dan F. Servey Distinguished Professor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Kansas 2335 Irving Hill Dr. Lawrence, Kansas 66045 Phone: (785) 864-4833 FAX:(785) 864-7789 e-mail: All material copyright 2006 Victor S. Frost, All Rights Reserved #14 1 Aug. 2005
Outline What is a PON? Types of PON PON Architecture EPON How EPON works EPON Protocol #14 2
What is a PON A passive optical network is a point-to-multi-point architecture for delivering last-mile connectivity without any active components in the distribution network. A Passive Optical Network consists of an optical line terminator (OLT) located at the Central Office (CO) set of associated optical network units-ONUs, (or optical network terminals-ONTs) located at the customer’s premise. optical distribution network (ODN) comprised of fibers and passive splitters or couplers for connectivity Information Flows Downstream Point to multipoint (P2MP) Upstream Shared #14 3
FTTx Fiber To The x (FTTx) x = H = Home * Fiber To The x (FTTx) x = H = Home x = C = Curb or x = N = Neighborhood x = P = Premises x = B = Business or x = O = Office *From: Gerd Keiser, “ FTTX, Concepts and Applications,” Wiley, 2006 #14 4
PON Topologies From: Glen Kramer and Gerry Pesavento, “Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON): Building a Next-Generation Optical Access Network”, IEEE Communications Magazine, February 2002 #14 5
PON Advantages/Disadvantages Increase bandwidth to Gb/s or higher in the future using multiple wavelengths Increase reach between CO and customer Reduce fiber cost, one fiber to OTL to optical splitter Support downstream broadcast Analog video Digital Video Video over IP Reduce cost via use of passive Disadvantages Cost Need to deploy new infrastructure replace copper with fiber #14 6
Types of PONs A/BPON – ATM Based PONs/Broadband based PONs Based on ATM technology Two downstream wavelengths (1550nm and 1490nm) and one upstream wavelength (1490nm). The 1550nm channel will be used for an RF or IP video overlay. ITU standard G.983 GPON – Gigabit PONs Shares up to 2.5Gbps shared bandwidth among 32 users; Uses same wavelength plan of BPON. ITU standard G.984 Main attribute supports multiple protocols ATM, Ethernet TDM EPON – Ethernet Based PONs All data encapsulated in Ethernet frames (note customer premises equipment dominated by Ethernet interfaces) Two downstream wavelengths (1550nm) and one upstream wavelength (1310nm). Shares 1.25Gbps in shared bandwidth GigaEthernet PON (GePON) increases shared bandwidth to 2.5Gbps. IEEE 802.3ah VLAN (IEEE 802.1Q) Prioritization (IEEE 802.1p) GPON and EPON are currently the major alternative technologies focus here is on EPONs #14 7
Types of PONs #14 8
Note ONU can be associated EPON Downstream flows Note ONU can be associated with multiple users Passive Splitter Number of users typically limited to 64 splitting loss Modified from: Glen Kramer and Gerry Pesavento, “Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON): Building a Next-GenerationOptical Access Network”, IEEE Communications Magazine, February 2002 #14 9
EPON Upstream flows All ONUs are in time sync ONU/OLT distances vary - Need power control - Guard times to overcome sync errors All ONUs are in time sync Time slots can carry multiple Ethernet Frames Permission to send in a time slot done by the OLT using a Multipoint control protocol (MPCP) Modified from: Glen Kramer and Gerry Pesavento, “Ethernet Passive Optical Network(EPON): Building a Next-GenerationOptical Access Network”, IEEE Communications Magazine, February 2002 #14 10
MAC Protocols Initialization-auto-discovery mode Ranging MAC address Synchronization Assign Logical Link identifier (LLID) EPON is treated as a collection of logical point-to-point links by higher layers Reserved #14 11
From Glen Kramer, “Ethernet Passive Optical Networks,” McGraw-Hill, 2005 #14 12
MPCP-Normal Mode OLT sends a GATE message to give ONU access to transmit ONU sends a REPORT message to tell the OLT its state, e.g., buffer contents * *From: Jun Zheng and Hussein T. Mouftah, “Media Access Control for Ethernet Passive Optical Networks: An Overview,” IEEE Communications Magazine, February 2005 #14 13
MPCP-Normal Mode From: Michael P. McGarry, Martin Maier, and Martin Reisslein Ethernet PONs: A Survey of Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) Algorithms IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 42, No. 8, pages S8-S15, August 2004 #14 14
MPCP-Normal Mode Uses a polling like mechanism, i.e., cycle based Higher layer at OLT instructs the transmission of a GATE message to ONUi, containing Time stamp Granted start time Granted transmission window ONUi receives GATE message Synchronizes clock (avoids collisions in the down stream) Transmits at the start time Continues to transmit up to the granted window Transmission opportunity may send multiple Ethernet frames (variable length) REPORT message included in the transmission window No fragmentation is allowed #14 15
MPCP-Normal Mode REPORT message Time stamp Bandwidth demands of the ONU OLT receives the report and allocated bandwidth #14 16
MPCP-Normal Mode Each ONU is polled once in a cycle Upper limit on the granted transmission window controls Maximum bandwidth allocated to ONU Insures all ONUs have an opportunity to transmit There can be different polling policies #14 17
MPCP-Normal Mode Poll and stop Interleaved Polling * Poll and stop Like master slave Receive REPORT before generating next GATE No ONU sync needed Poor throughtput Interleaved Polling Send GATE before receiving the REPORT OLT does not have upto date ONU state information Interleaved polling with stop Use all reports in previous cycle to determine allocations in next cycle *From: Jun Zheng and Hussein T. Mouftah, “Media Access Control for Ethernet Passive Optical Networks: An Overview,” IEEE Communications Magazine, February 2005 #14 18
Bandwidth allocation in the OLT Transmission scheduling Round Robin Descending order of reported queue length largest queue first (LQF) Dynamic allocation #14 19
Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) Let n = cycle number G(n) = Grant window Q(n) ONU buffer size (backlog) that will be during G(n) Q(n) generated at instant ONU generated REPRT message Q(n) is used to calculate the grant window size in next cycle, G(n+1) #14 20
Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) If Q(n) = 0 OLT still generates GATE Allocation methods Fixed service: Always gives Maximum transmission window (MTW) Limited service: Window size is set to max(MTW, Q(n)) #14 21
Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT)-continued Constant Credit service: Window size is set to Q(n) + credit Accounts for packets arriving to the ONU after REPORT sent Credit too big wasted BW Credit too small increase delay Linear credit: similar to constant credit, but the size of credit is proportional to the requested window Elastic Service Maximum cycle time is enforced = N*MTW; N= #ONU No limit on MTW Accumulated size of last N grants < N*MTW A backlogged ONU could get a grant of N*MTW #14 22
Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Problem: Traffic arrives at ONU after REPORT sent but before GATE arrives, OLT dose not know about this traffic Let A(n-1) = traffic arriving between request for n-1 cycle and the grant for the nth cycle D(n) = G(n) –[Q(n-1) + A(n-1)] Grant based on G(n+1) = G(n) – aD(n); for stability 0<a<2 Control loop has to be desinged to be stable and avoid excessive oscillations #14 23
Bandwidth guaranteed polling: (BGP) Divided ONUs into two disjoint sets: bandwidth guaranteed Non-bandwidth guaranteed (best effort) Bandwidth guaranteed nodes are characterized by their service level agreement (SLA) with the network provider Upstream capacity is divided into “equivalent bandwidth units”, e.g., Upstream capacity = 1 Gb/s N = 64 equivalent bandwidth unit = 10 Mb/s Then there are 100 equivalent bandwidth units OLT has two tables ONUs with guaranteed bandwidth # rows = # bandwidth units ONUs without guaranteed bandwidth Not fixed Rows in guaranteed bandwidth table can be used for best effort ONUs OLT polls best effort ONUs in order they appear in their table and during time allocated for empty rows in guaranteed bandwidth table #14 24
Bandwidth guaranteed polling: (BGP) From: Michael P. McGarry, Martin Maier, and Martin Reisslein Ethernet PONs: A Survey of Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) Algorithms IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 42, No. 8, pages S8-S15, August 2004 #14 25
Intra-ONU queueing and scheduling Approaches OTL can control REPORT messages in status in each queue, MPCP supports up to 8 queues GATE then responds for a specific queue ONU can control REPORT message relfects aggagerate state of the ONU ONU schedules transmissions Strict priority Non-strict priority #14 26
References #14 Assi, C.M., et al., Dynamic bandwidth allocation for quality-of-service over Ethernet PONs. Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on, 2003. 21(9): p. 1467-1477. Hajduczenia, M., EPONs - revolution in access networks. Haran, O., EPON vs. GPON: a practical comparison. 2005. Keiser, G., FTTX concepts and applications. Wiley series in telecommunications and signal processing. 2006, Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons : IEEE. xvii, 293 p. Kramer, G., Ethernet passive optical networks. Communications engineering series. 2005, New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. xvii, 307 p. Kramer, G. and G. Pesavento, Ethernet passive optical network (EPON): building a next-generation optical access network. Communications Magazine, IEEE, 2002. 40(2): p. 66-73. Kunigonis, M., FTTH explained: delivering efficient customer bandwidth and enhanced services. 2005. McGarry, M.P., M. Maier, and M. Reisslein, Ethernet PONs: a survey of dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) algorithms. Communications Magazine, IEEE, 2004. 42(8): p. S8-15. Pesavento, G., Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) architecture for broadband access Optical Networks Magazine 2003. Upadhyay, P., Passive optical networks. 2005. Zahr, S.A. and M. Gagnaire, An analytical model of the IEEE 802.3ah MAC protocol for EPON-based access systems. 2006. p. 1-5. Zheng, J. and H.T. Mouftah, Media access control for Ethernet passive optical networks: an overview. Communications Magazine, IEEE, 2005. 43(2): p. 145-150. #14 27
References #14 28