The New Online LTA Strategy Resource Bank Karen Strickland, Academic Development Staff Conference 7 th January 2011
Edinburgh Napier LTA Resource Bank: is an open access educational resource bank (OER), contains examples of LTA practice, policy and guidance documents, is quite unique across the sector, all content is linked to the 10 key statements of the strategy, three level approach enlivens the strategic vision for LTA practice
The purpose of the Resource Bank is to: Support staff in engaging with a particular theme or area of LTA practice. Provide inspiration and motivation for enhancing learning, teaching and assessment. Showcase good practice and innovation, both to Edinburgh Napier staff and to the wider academic community. Celebrate good practice – annual staff awards for ‘Best practice’
Case Studies: Be inspired Examples of good practice from across the University, to inspire and motivate you Policy Resources: Keeping you right Academic regulations, strategies, guidance Practice Resources: Learning how Put new techniques and tools into practice with a range of useful resources Collaboration Site: Talk about it Discuss, share, connect, and network with colleagues Academic level Subject/ School Benefit LTA topic Key statement Technology Academic practice LTA Strategy Resource Bank Karen Strickland, Charlotte Moon, Rowena Pelik (Academic Development) Browse/Search
Case Studies so far case studies submitted so far Topics include: Technology Enhanced Learning: –WebCT, podcasting, Wikis, e-portfolio, Camtasia Confident Individuals: –Groupwork, feedback, PDT, work based learning International: –SPICE, wikis, online learning
Let’s have a look then:
What can you do now? Get involved! –browse the resource bank for new ideas! –Insert url Contribute! –Submit an outline of an LTA activity which has worked well –Encourage colleagues to submit examples of LTA practice Collaborate! –Sign up to the collaboration site: Edinburgh Napier Education Exchange –
Acknowledgements Thanks to: all staff who have contributed to the LTA Strategy by helping develop School/Service second level statements or submitting case studies. Web Services Team: James Blair, Mark Skinner & Fraser Lamont. Charlotte Moon, former Academic Development Adviser.