Low-Income Energy Assistance Program Training Webcast for Social Agency Partners November 30 and December 1, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Low-Income Energy Assistance Program Training Webcast for Social Agency Partners November 30 and December 1, 2011

2 Board Staff Presenters Lenore Dougan, Policy Advisor, Regulatory Policy John Vrantsidis, Policy Advisor, Regulatory Policy In Attendance Takis Plagiannakos, Manager of Rates, Conservation & Policy Evaluation, Regulatory Policy Donna Kinapen, Manager of Complaints, Consumer Protection

3 Agenda Low-income Customer Service Rules (John Vrantsidis) LEAP Emergency Financial Assistance Reporting & Monitoring Requirements ( Lenore Dougan) Questions & Answers Web Posting –Presentation Slides –Webcast Q&As

Summary of Customer Service Rules for Low-Income Electricity Customers John Vrantsidis Policy Advisor

5 Presentation Outline 1.Background 2.Eligible Low-Income Customers 3.Security Deposits 4.Under-Billing Adjustments 5.Equal Billing and Payment Plans 6.Disconnection Notice 7.Arrears Payment Agreements 8.Load Control Devices 9.Contact Information

6 Background Customer service rules for eligible low-income electricity customers came into effect October 1, to apply for a low-income customer service rule, customers must make a request to their local distributor - new rules are set out in the updated Distribution System Code, Retail Settlement Code and Standard Service Supply Code Updated residential customer service rules approved in 2010/2011 also applicable to low-income customers

7 Eligible Low-Income Customers Definition of Eligible Low-Income Customers A customer with a pre-tax household income at or below most recent Stats Canada low-income cut off plus 15%, taking into account family size and community size - if a customer has received Emergency Financial Assistance, then is automatically qualify for low-income code rules Application of Definition A social or government agency that has partnered with a distributor has to qualify the customer Low-income status remains for 2 years Distributors may track eligible low-income customers who have applied for special code provision(s)

8 Security Deposits All Residential Customers May pay security deposits in equal instalments due over 6 months Deposit must be applied towards arrears before disconnection notice issued Eligible Low-Income Customers May request waiver of a new security deposit May request the refund of the amount of an existing security deposit remaining after paying any arrears

9 Under-Billing Adjustments All Residential Customers May pay under-billing correction over same period as billing error duration, up to 2 year maximum Eligible Low-Income Customers May pay over 10 months, when amount owing is less than twice average monthly bill May pay over 20 months, when amount owning is equal to or greater than twice average monthly bill

10 Equal Billing and Equal Monthly Payment Plans Equal Billing Plan A bill is issued to a customer and the amount due in each bill is equalized over the billing periods in a year The billing may occur for example on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. In this case, there is no requirement for automatic payment withdrawals Equal Monthly Payment Plan An equalized payment amount is automatically withdrawn from a customer’s account with a financial institution on a monthly basis A physical bill could follow on a monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly basis

11 Equal Billing and Equal Monthly Payment Plans (Cont’d) Residential Customers Depending on billing frequency, must be offered an equal monthly payment plan or an equal billing plan to customers not enrolled with a retailer Some distributors may voluntarily offer an equal monthly payment plan or an equal billing plan to customers enrolled with a retailer Eligible Low-Income Customers May request an equal billing plan if distributor bills monthly or bi- monthly They are not required to have a bank account with a financial institution for an equal billing plan As noted above, they may instead request an equal monthly payment plan if they have an account with a financial institution

12 Equal Billing and Equal Monthly Payment Plans (Cont’d) Operational Details Rules apply to customers on standard supply only (i.e. customers not enrolled with a retailer) Some distributors voluntarily extend to retailer-enrolled customers Customers may join any time of year Customers in arrears may join, provided also enter into arrears agreement Customers must be given choice of at least two alternative payment/withdrawal dates Distributors must review balance during the year Annual reconciliation details depend amount due/owing

13 Disconnection for Non-Payment All Residential Customers Distributors must provide 10 day minimum disconnection notice period Extended to 60 days where significant health risk exists to a person who regularly resides with the customer Low-Income Customers Disconnection suspended for 21 days if distributor notified customer being assessed for Emergency Financial Assistance by a social service or government agency

14 Disconnection for Non-Payment (Cont’d) Disconnection Notice Minimum contents specified in rules; for example –earliest and latest date disconnection may occur; forms of payment acceptable; applicable service charges Must also state special arrears agreements, expanded customer service provisions, and Emergency Financial Assistance available for eligible low-income customers Final Telephone Call Before Disconnect Distributors must attempt a final telephone call 48 hours before disconnection –must repeat key information from the Disconnection Notice above

15 Arrears Repayment Agreements Down Payment -15% maximum for all residential customers -10% maximum for low-income customers Repayment Period For all residential customers –5 months if amount owning is less than 2 times average monthly bill –10 months if amount owning is equal to or more than 2 times average monthly bill For eligible low-income customers -8 months if amount owning is less than 2 times average monthly bill -12 months if amount owning is between 2 to 5 times average monthly bill -16 months if amount owning is more than 5 times average monthly bill

16 Arrears Repayment Agreements (Cont’d) Late Payment Charges All residential customers must pay initial late payment charges and may face additional late payment charges during course of the agreement Eligible low-income customers must pay initial late payment charges and additional late payment charges are waived during course of the agreement Non-Payment Service Charges (e.g. Disconnection, Collection, Load Control Devices) Residential customers are responsible for paying all outstanding service charges For eligible low-income customers, the above service charges are waived

17 Arrears Repayment Agreements (Cont’d) Payment Defaults before Distributor Terminates Arrears Payment Agreement All residential customers are allowed a max. of 1 default in arrears or regular bill payment before arrears payment agreement may be terminated (over 2 months) Eligible low-income customers are allowed a max. of 2 defaults in arrears or regular bill payment before arrears payment agreement may be terminated (over 2 months) Second Agreement All residential customers may request second arrears agreement 2 years after start of first one Eligible low-income customers may request –second similar arrears agreement 1 year after completing first one –second standard arrears agreement if less than 1 year has passed after completing first one

18 Load Control Devices Load Limiter Device It allows the customer to run a small number of electrical items at any given time, but if the customer exceeds the limit of the load limiter then the device will interrupt the power until it is reset by the customer Timed Load Interrupter Device It completely interrupts the customer’s electricity intermittently for periods of time

19 Load Control Devices (Cont’d) Rules are applied to all residential customers Distributors must follow the following procedures when installing load control devices due to non-payment –must provide explanation of how devices work and can be reset –must provide emergency contact information and fire prevention safety literature –load control devices cannot be installed during the course of an arrears agreement –must be removed, within 2 business days, after customer pays amount due or enters into an arrears agreement

20 Contact Information For specific application questions, please For summaries of the residential customer service rules and rules for eligible low-income customers, please go to the OEB website under Industry Site and search for Customer Service or EB or follow the link below: s/Policy+Initiatives+and+Consultations/Electricity+Distributors+- +Customer+Service Thank you for your participation! John Vrantsidis Project Lead, Electricity Customer Service Rules (416)

LEAP Emergency Financial Assistance Reporting Requirements Lenore Dougan Policy Advisor

22 Reporting Requirements Set out in Appendix C of LEAP Manual –Developed by the Financial Assistance Working Group (FAWG) 3 Forms of Reporting: –Monthly reporting by agencies to Distributors Tracks each utility’s LEAP funds spent over the course of the month To be submitted by agency by the 15 th day of the following month –Monthly tracking by agencies: Tracks applicant demographic information Lead agency to keep and store data for use in program evaluation –Annual reporting by Distributors to OEB Distributors will provide an annual report to the OEB for program evaluation Lead agencies to send complete data to distributors by January 31 st

23 Annual Reporting Requirements Appendix C.2 lists the annual reporting requirements 1.Total LEAP Budget 2.Funds Dispersed –Grants to Customers; Administration & Program Delivery Fee 3.# of Applicants 4.# of Applicants Assisted 5.# of Applicants Denied 6.Average Grant per Applicant 7.Amount of Non-utility Funds (i.e. donations)

24 Annual Reporting Requirements Cont’d As a condition of its licence, each distributor is required to file its LEAP information with the Board early next year Data collected by agencies should be: –Submitted on a timely basis –Accurate –Protected as required to comply with applicable law Data will be used to: –Measure and evaluate program performance –Understand how effective LEAP has been in managing low- income consumer energy issues A template will be provided for ease of reporting

25 Monthly Monitoring Requirements Appendix C.3 lists the demographic information that is to be tracked by agencies on a monthly basis, including 1.Total Number of Adults Assisted 2.Total Number of Children Assisted 3.Average Monthly Income per Applicant 4.Primary Source of Income (i.e. OW, WSIB, EI, CPP) 5.Average Arrears owed per Applicant 6.Applicant Type (i.e. Single with Children, Married/Common Law) 7.Housing Type (i.e. Rent, Own, Social Housing) 8.Reason for Needing Assistance

26 Monthly Monitoring Requirements Cont’d 9.Reasons Applicant was not Accepted 10.# Applicants where Grant Money was Insufficient 11.How Applicants Heard about the Program 12.# Applicants Where Funding Was Not Required Due to Successful Advocacy with Utility 13.# of Applicants Referred to Conservation Programs Agencies should send complete monthly monitoring information to distributors by January 31 st A template will be provided for ease of reporting Information will be used to review and assess program performance

27 Additional Questions? OEB Consumer Relations Centre Open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m (toll free within Ontario) OR contact me directly Lenore Dougan Policy Advisor, Regulatory Policy (416) Toll Free: x 141