1 Learning from each other
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN2 What I used to do
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN3 How was it for me?
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN4 How was it for the students?
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN5 How important are assignments? Do we have to know this for the exam?
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN6 Course design in the olden days Lectures to cover as much content as you can Lots of ‘formative’ assignments LEARNING End of year exams
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN7 Reduced class contact time Lots of formative assignments Module assignments or exams Where’s the learning gone? Course Design NOW
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN8 If you can’t beat them, join them Content Assignment Assignment Content Module Design Change
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN9 Learning activities students need in preparation for the assignment Module assignment Assignment Based Course Design Two formative assignments
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN10 Completion of Formative Assignments Academic year: NOTE: Approximate figures. N=c.30
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN11 I feel happy about... Face validity - there is a clear relationship of the final assessment to real-world tasks. There is also a clear relationship between the formative learning tasks and the final assessment Using group work and peer assessment for formative (unmarked) assignments - it’s not so threatening when marks don’t count. My role – which is supportive and consultative. This is less stressful than upfront delivery. Using IT as a platform for the communication and delivery – provides students with an information resource and a communication medium. Students who have problems attending appreciate this. Student uptake of the formative work. Student feedback is positive.
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN12 It was good to have our own tasks to go and complete and it meant that we all had to be reliable and put the effort in for the sake of the other group members. Comments I found when working with my particular group very helpful, as it make me contribute more especially when doing our powerpoint assignment i found the assignments and comments very useful in expanding my knowledge I would not have been able to do as well as I did on a personal level, albeit, that it was not brilliant anyway, if I had not made the effort on the first two assignments. Therefore I have found it very useful to complete the formative assignments.
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN13 On Groups Working in different groups is useful as different people know different things so i learnt more... than by just being with the same people. It is nice to work with people you wouldn't normally work with. i think working with the different groups gave people the chance to look at how other people approach tasks and team work and to find out what skills they are good at and their own weaknesses whereas in the groups that people normally work, who usually consist of the same people, they have their set role already such as organiser, leader etc.. It was interesting to work with group members who we wouldn't necessarily choose ourselves. Personally I felt it was a pleasant surprise and found it easy to carry out the task without that causing any problems. I do however think that when you choose your own group they are usually people you respect and trust and probably find it easier to criticise or find fault with, which allows for things to be altered and improved if someone doesn't agree.
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN14 The [formative] assignments really helped me with my final assignment as I looked back on them while doing it. Having all this information available on blackboard was particularly helpful. More I’ve definitely learnt. It’s met my needs through other work I’ve had to do, or at least given me a range of options when looking to fulfil criteria in modules and assignments and the style of teaching was excellent too, you went at your own pace with support when required, with also an incentive to achieve a high quality piece or work, through examples of other people’s past work. And during the IT modules, people were discussing their ideas, learning from each other and teaching each other what they've discovered.
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN15 I still worry about... How can I cope with the stress of design and preparation peaks pre-semester? How can I schedule the assignment submission dates to maximise participation? How can I decide whether work should be privately shared (within groups) or publicly shared (with whole class). Where do I draw the line between students working together and ‘colluding’? How can I provide feedback on formative work without significantly increasing my workload? Am I dumbing down?
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN16 How to provide feedback? Students read each others’ answers ***** Verbal feedback in group presentation sessions **** Peer assessment *** Release of model answers *** Generalised feedback - ** - the more stars the less work? WITHOUT significantly increasing my workload
28-Jun-15Sandra Windeatt, Online Services, UNN17 Am I dumbing down? POSTGRADUATE Student Assessment interferes with our learning.. “students oriented towards meaning feel themselves least likely to do well when the workload is heavy and there is little freedom in learning”, (Entwistle & Ramsden, 1983, p.190)
18 Learning from each other Comments? Questions?