NLSY97 Schooling Data NLSY97 Schooling Data
Cohort Overview NLSY NLSY st round: year 1 st round: age Latest round Latest year Ages Next interview Middle School High School College None Some Yes Some Yes
NLSY97 Schooling Objectives Correct NLSY79 seam problem –Re-reporting enrollment status for a particular month –Event history format Correct NLSY79 grade reversals –Verify/correct status from last interview HGC, HGA, & enrollment status –Event history of schools Account for inconsistencies due to changing schools –Event history of grade attendance (loops) Account for skipping/repeating grades –Collect/confirm data from other sources Parent questionnaire Transcript data Collect detailed information on schools
NLSY97 Questionnaire Structure (YSCH-, NEWSCHOOL_) Confirm status at last interview date –Highest grade attended/completed & enrollment Confirm and correct prior round data Report information for current round Report schools attended since last interview –Enrollment periods at each school Survey program creates NEWSCHOOL roster –Schools listed in the order reported ‘Loop’ though questions specific to each school –Primary & secondary schools –Colleges
Data Collected on Each Primary/Secondary School For each school –School type –Grades and dates attended Gaps in attendance Suspensions –Program of study in high school General Schooling data –SAT/ACT scores –Expected graduation date –Diploma/GED receipt
Data Collected for Each College School information –Public/private –IPEDS code in Geocode data Credit progression –Number began at school with Sources –Attempted per term –Earned per term –Number required to graduate
Each College… Per term information (loops) –Beginning date –1 st and 2 nd majors –Full/part time status –GPA –Cost and financing Degree –Type received –Date received
Other Schooling Information YSCH: School-based learning programs –Enrolled in grades K-12 –Time spent on work site Days or weeks & hours –Amount if paid –Classes taken in conjunction with school YCOC: College choice section (round 7+) –1983 & 1984 birth cohorts –Term & year of applications –Applied for financial assistance –Acceptances including financial aid offered –IPEDS code in Geocode data
Parent Questionnaire (PC8-) Relevant ages –Age at 1 st grade –Age at 7 th grade –Age attended head start Historical schooling information –Skipped and/or repeated grades –Gaps in attendance (1 month+) –Took classes during break Special programs –Remedial, Special, Gifted, or Bilingual Education Parent interviews for 88.4% respondents –Collected in 1997
Transcript Survey (TRANS_) School information –Summary information If, when, and why left school GPA, class rank Graduation requirements –Participation in programs Special, Gifted, or Bilingual Education –Scores on standardized tests PSAT, ACT, SAT, AP, other Academic year information –Absent & tardy spells –Credit weighted GPA –% New Basics credits earned
Transcript Survey… Term information –Month/year enrolled, academic year –Credits earned & Grade level (e.g., 7 th, 8 th ) Course information –Subject Code –Credits earned and standardized grades Notes –Collected from last school attended –2 waves & 2004 [TRANS_STATUS] Survey year for both=1999 –Transcript data for 69.4% respondents
Data Source Summary Pre-survey schooling history –Parent Questionnaire –YCHR section in NLSY97 interview R6-R9: Grades skipped/repeated Current schooling history –NLSY97 Interview Single Item Verification Event History Retrospective high school history –Transcript Survey High school course history Final outcome
NLSY97 Intended Results More complete picture of educational history –Transition from middle to high school [for some] –Transition between schools E.g., high school to high school –Transition out of high school Additional data on schools attended Additional data on types of courses taken Information on alternative trajectories –Alternative schools/home schooling –Unique situations Incarceration Pregnancy
Desired Outcomes Within the survey round –HGA>=HGC –Grade level changes only if enrolled Between survey rounds & other sources –HGC never decreases –The highest degree received never decreases –Grade consistency Prior round survey grades Transcript grades
NLSY97 Unintended Results More sources=more chances for conflict –Within surveys E.g., HGC doesn’t match event history grade –Between surveys E.g., R8 HGC<R7 HGC Reporting problems in the event history –Unknown dates Problematic for grade confirmation –Report 1 st grade at school not since DLI Data harder for researchers to use
NLSY97 Schooling Data PUBID=3807
PUBID=3807 Data from Parent Questionnaire –Age entered 1st grade=6 –Year entered 1st grade=1990 –Age entered 7th grade= school year –Didn’t repeat/skip any grades Projected graduation date –2001/02 school year
PUBID=3807 HGA [YSCH-2857] HGC [YSCH-3112] Enrollment [YSCH-3878] Round 1771 Round 2981 Round Round Round Round Round 712*121 Round
Round School id NEWSCHOOL_ Grade completed Grade began Expected graduation date [1] th (6/97) 8 th (6/98) 8 th (8/97) 9 th (8/98) 6/ th (6/99) 10 th (8/99) 6/ th (6/00) 11 th (8/00) 6/ th (5/01) - 5/ th (5/02) - n/a
Transcript Survey (TRANS_TERM_) Term #GRADESTART_DATEEND_DATE.0198/19986/ /19996/ /20005/ /2001-3/2002
PUBID=3807 Youth Questionnaire –High school graduation date May 2002 reported in r6 YSCH –Highest degree received High school degree [3] in rounds 7 & 8 YSCH-3113 Transcript data –TRANS_LEFT_REASON=Graduated [1] –TRANS_LEFT_DATE~M/~Y=-3/2002
Which Source Is Correct? PUBID=3807 Enrollment in School 201 never ends Mismatch between HGA and loops –HGA=12 –Loop report never attended 12th –R5 Mismatch between reported HGA –R7 HGA=12 –R8 HGA verification R7 HGA=13
NLSY97 Schooling Data PUBID=7746
PUBID=7746 Data from Parent Questionnaire –Age entered 1st grade=7 –Year entered 1st grade=1989 –Age entered 7th grade= /97 school year –Repeated 6th grade –Didn’t skip any grades Projected graduation date –2001/02 school year
PUBID=7746 HGA [YSCH-2857] HGC [YSCH-3112] Enrollment [YSCH-3878] Round 1761 Round 2981 Round 3981 Round Round Round Round Round 812 0
RoundSchool id Grade completed Grade began Expected graduation date [1] th (6/97) 8 th (6/98) 8 th (8/97) 9 th (8/98) 6/ / th (6/00) 10 th (8/00) 5/ [1] 11 th (5/01) 12 th (2/01) 11 th (2/01) 5/ th (5/02) n/a
Transcript Survey (TRANS_TERM_) Term #GRADESTART_DATEEND_DATE.018-3/-3-3/ /-3-3/ /-3-3/ /-3-3/ /-3-3/2002
PUBID=7746 Youth Questionnaire –High school graduation date May 2002 reported in r6 YSCH –Highest degree received High school degree [3] in rounds 7 & 8 YSCH-3113 Transcript data –TRANS_LEFT_REASON=Graduated [1] –TRANS_LEFT_DATE~M/~Y=5/2002
Which Source Is Correct? PUBID=7746 Mismatch between transcripts & data –9 th grade Transcripts give a completion date of -3/1999 Completion date of 6/00 in survey data –10 th grade Transcripts give a completion date of -3/2000 No completion date listed in survey data
Round 9 High School Data Review Most raw data are mostly consistent over time Resources –10 years of respondent reported data –Transcript data –Parent questionnaire High school careers mostly completed –Received high school diploma/GED –Enrolled in a degree college without a diploma/GED Not in a GED program –Aged out of high school (age 20+)
Resolving Raw High School Data More sources=more conflicting data Use sources from all rounds –Parent Questionnaire –Transcript Data –Corrections Verification questions Comments –Expected graduation date
Resolving High School Data… More sources=more conflicting data… Use data from rounds after left high school –Diploma question (r7 and beyond) –Long term out of school status & verification Bad grade progression, graduated on time –Impute if graduate on time given the grade reported at the 1st interview
Resolving High School Data… Reporting problems in event history Unknown dates and grade completion –Impute if enrolled in the next grade sequentially Unexplained grade reversal then progression –Impute when 1 st grade reported was completed before at the same school & verification supports this Raw data harder for researchers to use Created variables summarize raw data –Created after conflicts resolved
Event History Variables (SCH-) Month-by-Month Arrays –Enrollment status –School type –Grade or term Grade if high school Term if college –Links SCH_ arrays to questionnaire data –Same as the NEWSCHOOL_PUBID from NEWSCHOOL_ roster
More Information User’s Guide –Section 4.1 Achievement test scores CAT-ASVAB PIAT Math test –Section 4.2 Schooling Experience College Choice School-based learning programs Transcript survey Codebook Supplement –Appendix 11, Transcript Surveys