Gemma Anderson ChIcAGO Chasing the Identification of ASCA Galactic Objects.


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Presentation transcript:

Gemma Anderson ChIcAGO Chasing the Identification of ASCA Galactic Objects

2-10 keV log N - log S relation measured in the Galactic Plane Hands et al. (2004)

Identification Process Compact (Un-resolved) ASCA Sources Compare source position with existing optical and infrared surveys 2MASS, DSS, GLIMPSE Sub-arc second localisation with Chandra Counterpart Source Identified -- Soft X-rays from nearby star -- Hard X-rays from highly absorbed massive star -- AGN, HMXB No Counterpart -- Usually hard X-ray sources Image deeply in the NIR (PANIC instrument on Magellan) Counterpart No Counterpart Deeper O/IR observations with larger telescopes, colour statistics, X-ray timing analysis Requires Further follow-up Obtain optical spectra of counterpart Image deeply in the optical (IMACS instrument on Magellan) CounterpartNo optical Counterpart Obtain optical spectra (IMACS) Obtain infrared spectra (OSIRIS on SOAR) -- Possible PSR, magnetar, AGN, PWN Source Identified Counterpart or No Counterpart -- Possible CV, CWB, X-ray binary, AGN, Massive star statistically identified

Multi-wavelength Investigation of AX J

AX J a WR-WR binary?

AX J a WR-WR colliding-wind binary

AX J a candidate Pulsar Wind Nebula

AX J another candidate Pulsar Wind Nebula