30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba1 Overview of heavy flavor v 2 ShinIchi Esumi, Inst. of Physics Univ. of Tsukuba (1) R AA and v 2 of various particle species meson/baryon and hadron/photon hydro-collective flow and recombination (2) Heavy flavor electron measurements non-photonic electron R AA, p T slope, v 2 charm quark collectivity (radial/elliptic) (3) Future single muon v 2, D v 2, J/ v 2 STAR/PHENIX upgrade I. Choi, W. Dong, M. Issah, R. Lacey, H. Masui, S. Sakai, N. Xu, Z. Xu, Y. Zhang
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba2 Nuclear modification factor : R AA, R CP direct photon hadrons baryons mesons (1) suppression of hadrons in Au+Au collisions at RHIC with respect to binary N-N collision scaling (2) baryon vs meson difference (3) no suppression in direct photon R AA =yield AA /(yield pp *N coll_AA ) R CP =(yield cent /N coll_cent )/(yield peri /N coll_peri )
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba v2v2 Elliptic event anisotropy : v 2 R * v 2 (dire. ) R = N incl. / N hadronic baryons mesons (3) The measurement (smaller v2) favors prompt photon production for dominant source of direct photon. (1) hydro-like mass ordering (2) baryon/meson ordering in hadron v2 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, (2006) N
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba4 quark number scaled v 2 original hadron v 2 KE T = m T – mass (hadron) m T + n quark scaling of v 2 n quark scaling alone m T scaling alone m T + n quark scaling WWND 2006, M. Issah mass m T slope A+A p+p radial flow
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba5 Hydro-trend at low p T & quark recombination at mid p T This m T + n quark scaling includes both hydro-trend and quark recombination, therefore it’s not really new. It gives a good description of large sets of data for wider p T region (low-p T to mid-p T ), but fails at higher p T. v2v2 p T (GeV/c) S STAR preliminary 0-80% Au+Au 200GeV Yan Lu SQM05 P. Sorensen SQM05 M. Oldenburg QM05 PHENIX preliminary 0-93% Au+Au 200GeV H. Masui QM05 m T + n quark scaling
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba6 Quark recombination needed also for J/ data… no recombination
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba7 Early freeze-out for and J/ , but still flows Compiled by N. Xu, SQM 2006 PHENIX ( , K, p, J/ ): PRC69, (04), QM05; STAR ( , , ): QM05 SPS RHIC a hint for non-zero radial flow of J/ in early hadronic stage or flow of charm quark in late QGP phase
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba8 Semi-leptonic decay of open-charm N e : inclusive electron yield material amounts : 0 1.1% 1.7% Dalitz : 0.8% X 0 equivalent 0 With converter Conversion in converter W/O converter 0.8% Non-photonic Conversion from known material ? % Photonic cocktail method converter method
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba9 Non-suppressed total charm yield (lower p T ) Non-suppressed charm yield at low p T : they are initially produced and survived until the end, did they interact with the produced hot matter? We do not know the answer, that’s why we also measure their v 2 and p T slope.
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba10 Radial flow of charm quark Yifei Zhang AuAu Central charm hadron AuAu Central , K, p AuAu Central strangeness hadron another hint for non-zero radial flow of D-meson or flow of charm quark!? Brast-wave fit to D-meson and single electron and muon from D-meson decay spectra
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba11 Run04: X=0.4% Run02: X=1.3% Non-pho./pho. inclusive e v 2 photonic e v 2 line : estimated with 0 v 2 measurement and simulation e v 2 without converter Inclusive electron v 2 and photonic contribution Estimation of photonic electron v 2 : decay kinematics simulation and/or experimental determination via with/without converter measurement. Ratio of non-photonic over photonic electron yields (which is S/N) should be given in order to extract non- photonic electron v 2. e v 2 with converter to enhance photonic electron yield
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba12 Extracted non-photonic electron v 2 coalescence model prediction. with/without charm quark flow Greco, Ko, Rapp: PLB 595 (2004) 202 v 2 incl. = N non-ph. v 2 non-ph. + N phot. v 2 phot. N non-ph. + N phot. the 3 rd hint for non-zero elliptic flow of charm quark!?
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba13 PHENIX preliminary data (1) different v 2 (pt) shape assumptions for D meson (2) p T distribution by pythia tuned to reproduce electron spectra at 130GeV Au+Au (3) 2 restricted up to p T <2GeV/c 2 test with one free amplitude parameter : v 2 = A * f(p T ) Extraction of D meson v 2 Shingo Sakai Minimum data are plotted for each assumption electron v 2 from D meson decay D meson v 2 D meson v 2 : between and d mass D meson ~ mass deuteron
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba14 u/d/(s) quarks v2 mass effect in number of quark scaling v2 meson (p T ) = v2 1 (R 1 p T ) + v2 2 (R 2 p T ) R i = m i / m M (m i : effective mass of quark i) (Phys.Rev. C68 (2003) Zi-wei & Dence Molnar) v2 π (pT) ~ 2*v2 q (1/2p T ) v2 D (pT) ~ v2 u (1/6*p T ) + v2 c (5/6*p T ) c quark v2 00 Extraction of charm quark v 2 Shingo Sakai quark p T (GeV/c) quark v 2 Different shape assumptions for D meson v 2 are propagated from the previous page in order to extract charm quark v 2, the same minimum data are chosen again for each assumption. Shingo preliminary B. Zhang et al., nucl-th/
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba15 v 2 D = v 2 B : flat or decreasing D e B e (v 2 B : flat at high p T ) B e (v 2 B : decreasing at high p T ) p T (GeV/c) v2v2 pTpT Electron v 2 from B meson Shingo Sakai If B meson decay dominates non-photonic electron yield (R BD ~ 1) already at 2~3GeV/c (unlikely?), v 2 B could be as large as v 2 D. Otherwise, v 2 B should be smaller. R BD measurement will be crucial. 1 0 N elec. D + N elec. B N elec. B to be determined Experimentally R BD = R BD
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba16 Electron v 2 analysis in STAR Weijiang Dong dE/dx in TPC Shower shape in EMC Momentum in TPC vs. Energy in EMC Conversion and dalitz rejection with m inv. The detector material in STAR caused too much photonic background, which caused huge systematic and statistical uncertainties. Our result is not sensitive enough to make any conclusion about heavy quark v2 so far. More work ahead! --- Weijiang, 8/Dec/2005
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba17 J/ v 2, D v 2, single muon v 2 prompt muon ~ few % pun.-thr. had ~ few % decay muon > 90% z-vertex position number of full track tracker identifier absorber collision vertex range prompt muon decay muon punch-through hadron stopped hadron 99% hadron absorbed We only need high statistics for D, J/ v 2. Hadron measurement in muon arm is “easy”. We look for a few % prompt muon signal out of fully reconstructed tracks ~ 800(ee) + ~ 5000( ) J/ s from full run4 200GeV Au+Au Ihnjea Choi
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba18 A new reaction plane detector (1~| |~2.5, cos2 ~ 0.7, Pb converter + scintillator) in PHENIX this summer 2006 Future upgrade of STAR/PHENIX detectors Heavy Flavor Tracker for STAR Vertex Tracker, Forward Calorimeter for PHENIX PHENIX muon arm
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba19 Thank you very much! (1) R AA and v 2 of various particle species meson/baryon and hadron/photon hydro-collective flow and recombination (2) Heavy flavor electron measurements non-photonic electron R AA, p T slope, v 2 charm quark collectivity (radial/elliptic) (3) Future single muon v 2, D v 2, J/ v 2 STAR/PHENIX upgrade
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba20 inclusive and 0 v 2 nucl-ex/ v 2 of direct photon gives complimentary information in understanding the origin of binary scaled direct photon production. Bresmsrahlung, because of larger energy loss v 2 < 0 fragmentation in vacuum, from escaped parton v 2 > 0
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba21 try to extract direct v 2 v 2 direct = R v 2 inclusive – v 2 b.g. R – 1 v 2 b.g. : expected v2 from hadronic decays if v 2 direct = 0 R = v 2 inclusive v 2 b.g nucl-ex/
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba22 QM05 : Phenix preliminary run4 inclusive and 0 v 2 00 inclusive v2v2 0 5 p T (GeV/c) %10-20 % % %40-50 % %
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba23 (3) q_hat = 14 GeV 2 /fm (2) q_hat = 4 GeV 2 /fm (1) q_hat = 0 GeV 2 /fm (4) dN g / dy = 1000 non-photonic electron v2 is similar with other hadrons at low p T but smaller at higher p T region 4~5GeV/c photonic electron v2 originated from 0 is above 0 v2 at low pT and similar to 0 v2 at high pT and subtracted already. Non-photonic electron is less suppressed compared with 0, but it is still a significant suppression R AA ~ 0.3 at higher p T region 4~5GeV/c Non-photonic electron (charm origin) R AA compared with 0 R AA Important note : R AA is much closer to unity at lower p T compared with 0 or other hadrons
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba24 B. Zhang et al. nucl-th/ significant suppression at higher p T, almost same as 0 suppression above 5GeV/c b contribution less suppression less interaction b contribution less flow less thermalized Non-photonic electron : charm (+beauty) R AA and v 2 some difference between experiments at higher p T, which needs to be solved. D-meson flows (+ve v 2 ), should determine charm v 2
30/Mar/2006, SQM, UCLAShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba25 rather good description above 1GeV/c in quark p T remaining mass dependence at lower p T region QM05 PHENIXQM05 STAR Number of quark scaling of v 2 v 2 is already formed during quark phase before hadronization additional hadronic flow might be there after hadronization