…a little background on Western Michigan University
The Beginning of a Legacy WMU is Michigan’s fourth school and was granted permission to be built on May 27, By 1904 there were 117 students enrolled to attend the 20 acre school without any buildings. On September 1, 1905 what we now know as East Hall was built. East Hall lib.jpg
Starting to grow… In the beginning, WMU had 12 classrooms, small library, heating plant, labs and an assembly room. In 1908 a gymnasium was built and in 1909 the first dorm was open. WMU remained at the same spot until expansion started after WW1 in the 1920s. In the 1940s, WMU grew and took over west of Stadium and the railroad tracks, where it is located today. WMU as of l/history_timeline.html
Western Michigan University… As we now know it Currently there are about 29,178 students. WMU consists of 1,200 acres with 114 buildings plus 22 residence halls. There are 20 varsity sports for fans, 11 of which are women’s.
Fight on, fight on for Western; Take the ball, make a score, win the game. Onward for the Brown and Gold; Push 'em back, push 'em back, bring us fame. Fight on, fight on for Western; Over one, over all, we will reign. Fight, Broncos fight! Fight with all your might. Western win this game! Audio clip from
How many students were first enrolled at WMU? a)5858 b) c) d) e)3737
Incorrect Please try again.
WAY TO GO! Great Job!!! I hope you learned a little bit about Western Michigan University’s history!
A little about me… My name is Kristen Ragan and I’m a junior here at WMU. I plan on being a first grade teacher after I graduate. This is the second Power Point presentation I have ever made, the first was 5 years ago! Hope you enjoyed it!