CS533 Concepts of Operating Systems Class 18 File Systems
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 2 Questions Why does read-optimized block placement perform very poorly for a write-dominated workload? How should free space be managed for a read- dominated workload? How should free space be managed for a write- dominated workload?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 3 Questions What impact will the current rapid increase in disk capacity and decrease in cost per Mbyte have? o What if disk space was free? With intelligent disk controllers should the file system manage placement at all? What issues should concern a file system designer, beyond performance?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 4 Questions How do mirroring and RAID-5 increase the reliability of file data? o What kinds of failures can be tolerated? o Why might you choose mirroring over RAID-5? o Why might you choose RAID-5 over mirroring? If a storage device migrates blocks dynamically between mirrored and RAID-5 storage, how can file system software keep track of where data is? If the storage system is log-structured, does the file system above it need to be log-structured?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 5 Questions Need file system software above HP AutoRAID concern itself with free-space management? Would the system benefit from using a device interface at a higher level of abstraction? o Why not implement the file abstraction at the device level?
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems 6 What next? Final will be a take home o Shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours