Introduction to UK GO data GPRD: General Practice Research Database THIN: Health Improvement Network Some new data too
Data sources Records from GP routine records GPRD=THIN (almost) >6% of the UK population >350 GP practices >6½ million individual people
UK NHS―National Health Service Largest UK employer―4 th largest employer in world 1.7 million employees 40,000 GPs 10,000 GP practices GPs see 140 patients per week
Data content Diagnoses: GP and some hospital Biochemistry: HbA1c etc Risk factors: weight, smoking etc Family history (some) Drugs (all prescribed drugs) Outpatient contacts Free text GPRD only….linked data: Cancer registry data Hospital inpatient data
Quality: representativeness
Quality: completeness
Strengths Size―over 5% UK population Nationally representative Fast―information already collected Frequent collections All prescribable drugs Population based Study design flexibility ‘Real Life’ data―collected during normal GP visit Link to GP and patient for additional information
Weaknesses £cost! No direct link to secondary care data (THIN) No direct link of prescriptions to diagnoses - temporal implied link Limited information on OTC medications Limited data on lifestyles, diet etc Not dispensed prescriptions Limited information on hospital prescribing Some medications only administered by specialists
Weaknesses re Ca. Details of the cancer diagnosis variable No systematic cancer staging data Metastatic cancer: have to infer Hospital cancer treatments not known
New data! Survival after incident cancer: diabetes vs. non-diabetes
Incident cancers by cancer site
Incident cancers by DM treatment
Mean survival by Ca. site (years)
Δ mean survival by Ca. site (years)
Cumulative mortality (crude) DM Non-DM
Cumulative mortality (adjusted) DM Non-DM Adjusted: age, sex, smoking, morbidity
HR DM vs-N-DM (Cox)
adjHR: DM vs N-DM (=1) by treatment
Cum-mortality: ± metformin (adjusted) Met- Met+ Met- Met+ Exposed in first 3 months Exposed anytime aft Ca. diag HR=0.83; ; p< HR=0.72; ; p<