22/06/101 An International Symposium Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf
Saksiri Benjaporn Prateeppornsak Mana Ratchasuda College, Mahidol University, Thailand 22/06/102 An International Symposium Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf
Problem of: Computers and Communication (C&C) terminology No ready Thai Sign Language (ThSL) for these common C&C terms. Finger spelling is a slow communication method 22/06/103 An International Symposium Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf
Set of English terms (source language) Set of their Thai translations (receiver language) Sign language word formation principles A working group of -Terminologists, -Computational linguists, -Computer scientists, -ThSL specialists -Computer skills teachers. 22/06/104 An International Symposium Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf
Visually-enhanced multimedia presentation Simulation Self-paced learning Graphical modeling Interactive exercises 22/06/105 An International Symposium Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf
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Demographics: Ten DHH students Ages of Use Thai sign language as a mode of communication 22/06/1014 An International Symposium Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf
Animations make the item more interesting, more comprehension Average posttest scores were higher than the average pretest scores Comment about prototype design 22/06/1015 An International Symposium Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf
The preliminary study demonstrates that the prototype of sign language terminology with multimedia in computers and communication can yield important educational benefits. In this paper we have described the underlying design principles and implementation of a sign language terminology with multimedia in computers and communication education context. Further developed and evaluated 22/06/1016 An International Symposium Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf
22/06/10 An International Symposium Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf 17 Thank You AndQuestions?