Relationship of Cloud Water Budgets to Heating Profile Calculations Austin and Houze 1973 Houze et al. 1980 Houze 1982 Relationship of Cloud Water Budgets.


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Presentation transcript:

Relationship of Cloud Water Budgets to Heating Profile Calculations Austin and Houze 1973 Houze et al Houze 1982 Relationship of Cloud Water Budgets to Heating Profile Calculations Austin and Houze 1973 Houze et al Houze May 2006, Seattle

Austin and Houze 1973 Houze et al PREMISE Measure rain amount as a function of radar Echo Heights --> Large-scale Mass Transport Profile (aka LH) Austin and Houze 1973 Houze et al PREMISE Measure rain amount as a function of radar Echo Heights --> Large-scale Mass Transport Profile (aka LH)

Houze 1982 PREMISE Can also relate eddy & radiative heating profiles to water budget to obtain latent + eddy + radiative heating Houze 1982 PREMISE Can also relate eddy & radiative heating profiles to water budget to obtain latent + eddy + radiative heating

Tropical MCSs inject lots of hydrometeors into upper troposphere Idealized life cycle of tropical MCS as proposed by Houze 1982

Conv. LHStrat. LH Rad. Conv. Eddy Strat. Eddy Contributions to Total Heating by Convective Cloud System

TOTAL HEATING These combine to give “top-heavy” heating profile Houze 1982 idealized case

Think of the following schematic as a composite of the water budget of an MCS over its whole life cycle After Houze et al. (1980) AcAc AsAs

AsAs AcAc Stratiform water budget equation Rain not simply related to condensation

AsAs Cloud radar  A s Precip radar  R s Doppler & soundings  A s, C su, C T Water budget parameters could be measured

AsAs AcAc Convective region water budget equation

AsAs AcAc Sum over all cloud height categories i For each height category i with the constraint (each height cat.)

AsAs AcAc  X AC  Z AC  Z AS Dimensions and hydrometeor content of anvils are determined by the cloud dynamics and are related to the radiative heating profiles * * * * * * *

Summary Latent, eddy, and radiative heating are interrelated through the water budget of the precipitating cloud system. Profiles of latent heating estimated by spectral methods are not independent of eddy and radiative heating profiles. Water budget parameters can be used to establish the internal consistency of latent eddy and radiative heating profiles. Latent, eddy, and radiative heating are interrelated through the water budget of the precipitating cloud system. Profiles of latent heating estimated by spectral methods are not independent of eddy and radiative heating profiles. Water budget parameters can be used to establish the internal consistency of latent eddy and radiative heating profiles.

Thank you!

Extra Slides:

In TWP-ICE we are subdividing the anvil into mixed and ice anvils

13˚ S 11˚ S 12˚ S 130˚E132˚E131˚E dB Z 20 January UTC 6 km 13˚ S 11˚ S 12˚ S 130˚E132˚E 131˚E dB Z 20 January UTC 6 km 13˚ S 11˚ S 12˚ S 130˚E132˚E 131˚E dBZ 20 January UTC 6 km Example from TWP-ICE dBZ Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan ATTENUATED Height (km) Cloud Radar Precipitation Radar

TWP-ICE Precipitation Radar Rain Rate (~20 % stratiform) TWP-ICE Cloud Radar Anvil Frequency Longer-term records of the water budget parameters also are being derived. Figures here are for duration of TWP-ICE. This will also be done for a longer-term climatology. We will use cloud & precipitation radars permanently located at Darwin.

Could use empirically derived water budget parameters b and  s, to estimate the stratiform regions’ anvil mass proportional to the SF rain: A s =(bR s )/  s Could use empirically derived water budget parameters b and  s, to estimate the stratiform regions’ anvil mass proportional to the SF rain: A s =(bR s )/  s 200 hPa streamfunction response to CRF assumed proportional to TRMM rain by Schumacher et al. (2004) 400 hPa K/day Looking at it the other way around: Whatever latent heating budget is derived from the TRMM precip info must be internally consistent with the radiative heating profiles For example