PT 5000 RIT Computer Engineering Senior Design Project HardwareSoftware Ted TomporowskiPooja Rao The PT 5000 is a custom built RC car that is meant to deliver mail around an office. The vehicle follows a reflective tape path stopping at user specified checkpoints with its payload. It also stops if blocked by an obstacle, and can detect if it has gone off the track. February 2005 PartActual CostOur CostProvided By: Vehicle$43.29 Toys R’ Us 2 nd Vehicle$43.29 Toys R’ Us Colored LEDs ( many )$15.00 Radio Shack. Digikey Distance sensors (7)$70.00 Digikey Opto-reflectors (10)$50.00 Digikey Battery Pack (5V)$15.00$0 Battery Charger$10.00$0 Extra Batteries$60.00 Radio Shack, Dan’s Crafts & Things HC12$ CE Dept. Servo Motor$5.00$0CE Dept. Reflective tape (2)$5.00 Lowe’s IC’s$5.00$0Newark Voltage Regulators(10)$15.00 RadioShack Steering Components$30.00 Dan’s Crafts & Things Miscellaneous Circuit Components$ Radio Shack Miscellaneous$ Other parts that we didn’t use$75.00 Servo City, Tower Hobbies Total $716.58$ Project Cost Schematics User Interface Switches: Each of the numbered switches corresponds with a station, and selecting a given switch will cause the vehicle to stop at that station. Any or all of the stations can be concurrently selected. Stations need to be selected before the start button is pressed. LED’s: Each of the green LED’s corresponds to one of the stations found along the track. When a selected station is reached, its LED will be lit. The error light will light if the vehicle inadvertently skids off the track. The light will remain lit until the vehicle is manually realigned with the track, and the start button is pressed. The obstacle light will light when the vehicle stops because it sees something in its path. The light will remain lit until the path is clear and the vehicle can continue. Buttons: The start button is used to tell the vehicle to move. It is used initially when the vehicle first starts, and well as to continue when a checkpoint has been reached. The start button is also used if the car skids off the track, and is placed back on manually. The reset button is used to stop the car. The reset button also clears any errors, clears all checkpoint LED’s, returns the vehicle to its initial state. Track following circuitry User interface circuitry H-bridge and servo circuitry Software Flowcharts Background Loop Flowchart Checkpoint Detection Flowchart Analytical Components Three phototransistor reflective object sensors were used to keep the vehicle on the track. The sensor used was the Fairchild QRB1134 phototransistor reflective object sensor. Opto-Reflector The Sharp GP2D12 is a general-purpose type distance- measuring sensor, which consists of a position sensitive detector and an infrared emitting diode and signal processing circuit IR Distance Sensor Checkpoints Checkpoint track patterns Position 1Position 2Position 3 Selected switchesUnselected switches ButtonsLED’s Reset Start ErrorObstacle Station 1Station 2Station 3