ECE Department SDP07 Team Members:Chad Baldi Julian Salai Allan Maina Linwood Williams Team Advisor: Professor Omid Oliaei FanSafe
2 ECE Department SDP07 Origin of Idea SawStop ® technology Capacitive based touch sensor SawSafe Chainsaw based proximity sensor FanSafe Industrial fans
3 ECE Department SDP07 Concept Human proximity detector Electric field sensing Stop the motor Safety precaution
4 ECE Department SDP07 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
5 ECE Department SDP07 Marketability Protective grill not needed Easily cleanable Low accumulation of allergens and dust Visual aesthetics Industrial applications Maximize air flow Safety
6 ECE Department SDP07 General Layout Electrode Sensors Sensor Circuit Multi-Channel Slip Ring Motor Stop Control Board
7 ECE Department SDP07 MDR Specifications Acquire fan Plans for sensor placement Analog sensing Interference Options in signal processing Data transfer solution
8 ECE Department SDP07 MDR Specifications Fan selection Fan blade material Size Cost
9 ECE Department SDP07 MDR Specifications Sensor placement Electrode / Shield material Insulator material Location on fan blade Mount configuration Coaxial connector type
10 ECE Department SDP07 Fan Blade Sensors / Coax Components
11 ECE Department SDP07 MDR Specifications Analog Sensing IC settings & properties Use of Shield Sensor specifications
12 ECE Department SDP07 Sensor Circuit Fan Blade Sensors
13 ECE Department SDP07 Sensor Video
14 ECE Department SDP07 MDR Specifications Interference & Noise Noise created in optimization of distance. (P-P 20mV) No noise from AC Motor
15 ECE Department SDP07 MDR Specifications Signal processing concepts Serial ADC PIC processor Noise averaging Slope algorithm
16 ECE Department SDP07 MDR Specifications Data Transfer Multiple port slip ring Power input to circuit Sensor digital output
17 ECE Department SDP07 Next Step Acquire slip ring Number of connections Hallow ring Possibly self made (cost/noise) Needed for on-fan testing (priority) SLIP RING FAN PCB MOTOR PCB V DD AGND DGND DATA
18 ECE Department SDP07 Next Step Develop PCBs Need for on-fan testing Decide on A/D sampling rate Resolve shielding issues
19 ECE Department SDP07 Next Step PIC processing code With on-fan testing create processing algorithm Algorithm developed to detect proximity & kill noise
20 ECE Department SDP07 Next Step Motor stop relay Develop process to stop motor Timing may be critical Possible mechanical brake technique
21 ECE Department SDP07 FanSafe Thank You.