Human Anatomy and Physiology Histology Slide Set 2
Special Senses
(1) Taste buds papilla Taste bud Sublingual salivary glands
(2) Cochlea Organ of Corti Cochlear duct Vestibular duct Spiral ganglion Tympanic duct
(3) Organ of Corti Tectorial membrane Hair cells Basilar membrane Sensory neurons
(4) Retina
(5) Pacinian corpuscle
Pacinian corpuscle
Endocrine System
Hypopysis cerebri (low power) Adenohypophysis Neurohypophysis Pituitary stalk
(6) Hypophysis cerebri (high power) Neurohypophysis Adenohypophysis
thyroglobulin follicle (7) Thyroid gland
(8) Parathyroid adipose tissue thyroid follicle
(9) Adrenal gland Zona glomerulosa Zona reticularis Zona fasciculata cortex medulla
(10) Pancreas islet of Langerhans acinar cells zymogen granules
Digestive System
(11) Parotid salivary gland mucus acinus serous acinus (11) Parotid salivary gland
taste bud taste pore (12) Tongue
(13) Esophagus muscle stratified squamous lumen submucosa muscle
Stomach / Esophagus junction
gastric gland (14) Gastric mucosa
(15) Duodenum lumen muscularis crypts of Lieberkuhn outer longitudinal inner circular serosa submucosa (w/ Brunner’s glands) (15) Duodenum
(16) Pancreas (low power) acinar cells (exocrine) Islet of Langerhans (endocrine) (16) Pancreas (low power)
mucosa submucosa muscularis serosa (17) Jejunum
Peyer’s patch (lymph nodule) (18) Ileum
(19) Appendix
(20) Colon (large intestine)
(21) Liver (hepatic lobule) central vein area of hepatic triad
Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems
(22) Human blood erythrocytes neutrophil platelets lymphocyte
Human blood
(23) Neurovascular bundle vein artery nerve
Artery (below) and vein (above)
(24) Artery (wall) smooth muscle lumen w/ blood connective tissue endothelium
(25) Vein (showing valve) Which is the direction of normal blood flow?
(26) Lymph node (cortical lymph nodule)
alveoli (27) Lung bronchiole
pseudostratified ciliated mucus glands hyaline cartilage pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium (28) Trachea
Urinary and Reproductive Systems
(29) Kidney (renal cortex) Bowman’s capsule renal corpuscle glomerulus (29) Kidney (renal cortex)
(30) Ureter lumen transitional epithelium muscularis
submucosa detrusor muscle transitional epithelium (31) Urinary bladder
Urinary bladder
(32) Full urinary bladder
(33) Empty urinary bladder
primary follicles cortex developing oocyte (34) Ovary medulla
(35) Graffian follicle corona radiata primordial follicles oocyte antrum
Testis (seminiferous tubules) interstitial cells spermatozoa