school of architecture Towntology: relevant research Chris Tweed School of Architecture and Virtual Engineering Centre (VEC) Queen’s University Belfast (QUB)
school of architecture Overview research into applications of ICTs to the built environment has been ongoing for the past 14 years covers a range of topics and projects: –3d CAD models of buildings and the urban environment –argumentation systems –energy and environmental modelling of urban environment—Energy Environmental Prediction tool GIS –dynamic urban information systems –involvement in COST UCE C4: Management and information applications development in urban civil engineering
school of architecture Energy and Environmental Prediction (EEP) collaborative research project with Cardiff, UCL and DeMontfort aim was to provide a GIS-based tool to enable local authorities to predict environmental sustainability of entire city QUB role was to apply model to Belfast and to determine end-user interaction with models in Belfast, Cardiff and London
school of architecture
Dynamic interfaces to 3d urban information
Overview of the Project Objects & processes Information types Data acquisition options Representation environment Display Applications Image (building) Terrain & spaces Buildings People &Vehicles Environment 2/2.5D Data 3D geometry 4D Data Camera Maps Others Photogram- metry Laser scanning GPS Sensors Database Image processing GIS CAD System Specialised software Predictive models VR Display Navigation & way-finding Visualization Tourism Citizen services Public participation Delivery points Info-kiosks Bus shelters Home Office Mobile devices
school of architecture Summary technical expertise on modelling (geometry and energy), argumentation systems, image processing and digital communications research interest in socio-technical issues— how systems work with (or against) users