A Digital Library to Archive Research Material from Jane Goodall's Gombe Chimpanzee Project PI : Prof. Anne Pusey (Dept. of Ecology) Co-PIs : Prof. Shashi Shekhar (Dept. of Computer Science) Prof. Jaideep Srivastava (Dept. of Computer Science) RA: Mete Celik (Dept. of Computer Science) Sponsor: Digital Technology Center
2 Jane Goodall's Gombe chimpanzee project has been continuing in Gombe National Park, Tanzania since ( Jane Goodall Institute Center for Primate Studies at the University of Minnesota ( Jane Goodall's Gombe Chimpanzee Project
3 Research Materials Thousands of 35mm still chimpanzee photographs. 600 hours of chimpanzee video recorded at Gombe since Annotation information (metadata) about visual materials.
4 Research Materials Field notes Daily checklists Maps
5 Problem Statement Given: Video, photographs recorded at Gombe about chimpanzees. Metadata of video and photographs. Objective: Digitize visual materials and create a database using metadata to index and access to these materials. Make a demo of digital library which is accessible by the researchers and public through the web.
6 Related Work Indiana Animal Behavior Information storing, sharing project. ( Cornell Animal Behavior Ontology and NSDL Animal Metadata Standard Project (ethodata.comm.nsdl.org)ethodata.comm.nsdl.org
7 Digital Library An organized collection of knowledge, stored in digital/electronic format, and accessible to users via digital/electronic interface technologies. [digitalib.geometaphors.com/west/glossary/ ]digitalib.geometaphors.com/west/glossary/ In our case, digitized chimpanzee video and photographs will be accessible to users through the web.
8 Project Flow Chart Digitization Store in Video Server Store in Database Server Web Server Make Video Clips VideoPhotographs Metadata Researchers Public Video Photographs Design Database
9 Project Tasks Completed Video, database, web server setup Visual material digitization Digital library prototype (for public and researchers) Database design In Progress Data cleaning and loading data to database tables Storing video clips and photographs in different resolutions. User requirements analysis (query types, user interface) Mapping chimp behavior ontology to the Cornell animal behavior ontology
10 ER Diagram of the Database
11 Search Screen for Public (Google-like)
12 Search Screen for Researchers
13 Search Results
14 Search Results
15 Future Work Complete system implementation (digital library). Use content-based image retrieval techniques to get information which is not documented in the metadata of visual materials. Map chimp behavior ontology to the other animal behavior ontologies (i.e., Cornell animal behavior ontology). Co-occurrence mining NSF project: “Collaborative Research: SEI: Spatio- temporal Data Analysis for Behavioral Ecology” (ITR )