ENGR 225 Section 1.1 -1.2
Mechanics of Materials Mechanics of Solids Mechanics of Deformable Bodies Solid Mechanics Strength of Materials.
Statics Forces Rigid Bodies Dynamics Motion Particles, Rigid Bodies Mechanics of Materials Forces External Internal Material Properties
Mechanics of Materials Area of mechanics that studies the relationships between external loads applied to a deformable body and the intensity of internal forces within a body An understanding of material behavior will play an important role in developing the necessary equations used in mechanics of materials.
Support Reactions
Internal Forces
Method of Sections
Internal Forces in 2-D
Determine the internal forces (normal force, shear force and bending moment) on a section passing through the beam at point C.
Internal Forces in 3-D
Internal Forces in 3-D Find the internal forces at the base
Mass = 650 kg and Wind Load = 900 N/m2
Internal Forces at a point – method of Sections Internal forces at all points along length Internal forces – a function of distance along length of beam.
Shear and Moment Diagrams For beams we can calculate the shear and moment diagrams as a function of position along the beam. Internal normal force will not be considered in that most loadings are vertical on a beam and we are primarily concerned about shear and bending failures.
Sign Convention Shear ~ positive direction is denoted by an internal force that causes a clockwise rotation on which it acts. Moment ~ positive direction is denoted by an internal moment that causes a compression or pushing on the upper part of the member
Relations between Distributed Load, Shear, and Moment. Slope of the Shear Diagram = Negative of distributed load intensity Slope of the bending moment diagram = Shear
Graph the internal forces shear force and bending moment along the axis of the beam.