WTO the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible The result is assurance At the heart of the system — known as the multilateral trading system The goal is to improve the welfare of the peoples of the member countries.
WTO 規範之基本理念與規範準則 WTO 多邊貿易體系之基本理念 : 創造一個自由、公平之國際貿易 環境,使資源依照永續發展之原則,作最佳之使用以提升生活 水準,確保充分就業,並擴大生產與貿易開放、平等、互惠與 互利,期能透過貿易提升開發中與低度開發國家之經濟發展。 (一)無歧視之貿易 所謂無歧視之貿易係指:在對外關係上須對來自所有會員之 貨品給予同等最優惠待遇之「最惠國待遇」( Most-Favored- Nation Treatment );在對內關係上則須對自會員進口之貨品給 予與本國貨品同等待遇之「國民待遇」( National Treatment )。 (二)經由談判逐步開放市場 (三)經由對關稅與農業補貼之約束以及服務業市場 開放之承諾等建立市場開放之可預測性 (四)促進公平競爭 (五)鼓勵發展與經濟轉型
年度 回合 談判主題 國數 1947 第一回合 關稅 第二回合 關稅 第三回合 關稅 第四回合 關稅 第五回合狄倫 關稅 第六回合甘迺迪 關稅及反傾銷措施 第七回合東京 關稅、非關稅措施及各項架 構性規約, 第八回合烏拉圭 關稅、非關稅措施、服務業、 智慧財產權、爭端解決、紡 織品、農業、設立 WTO 等 123 GATT 歷次回合談判簡表
Location: Geneva, Switzerland Established: 1 January 1995 Created by: Uruguay Round negotiations ( ) Membership: 140 countries (as of 30 Nov 2000) Budget: 127 million Swiss francs for2000 Secretariat staff: 500 Head: Mike Moore (director-general)
Functions: Administering WTO trade agreements Forum for trade negotiations Handling trade disputes Monitoring national trade policies Technical assistance and training for developing countries Cooperation with other international organizations
The multilateral trading system — past, present and future. The World Trade Organization came into being in One of the youngest of the international organizations, the WTO is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) established in the wake of the Second World War.
The organization. The WTO ’ s overriding objective is to help trade flow smoothly, freely, fairly and predictably. It does this by: Administering trade agreements Acting as a forum for trade negotiations Settling trade disputes Reviewing national trade policies Assisting developing countries in trade policy issues, through technical assistance and training programmes Cooperating with other international organizations
Structure (chart)chart The WTO has more than 130 members, accounting for over 90% of world trade. Over 30 others are negotiating membership. Decisions are made by the entire membership:consensus The WTO ’ s top level decision-making body is the Ministerial Conference which meets at least once every two years. Below this is the General Council (normally ambassadors and heads of delegation in Geneva, but sometimes officials sent from members ’ capitals) which meets several times a year in the Geneva headquarters.
At the next level, the Goods Council, Services Council and Intellectual Property (TRIPS) Council report to the General Council Numerous specialized committees, working groups and working parties deal with the individual agreements and other areas such as the environment, development, membership applications and regional trade agreements.
Secretariat The WTO Secretariat, based in Geneva, has around 500 staff and is headed by a director-general Secretariat does not have the decision- making role The Secretariat ’ s main duties are to supply technical support for the various councils and committees and the ministerial conferences, to provide technical assistance for developing countries, to analyze world trade, and to explain WTO affairs to the public and media
The WTO agreements. How can you ensure that trade is as fair as possible, and as free as is practical? By negotiating rules and abiding by them The WTO ’ s rules — the agreements — are the result of negotiations between the members. GATT is now the WTO ’ s principal rule-book for trade in goods
WTO 之決策程序 依共識決作成決策 如果就特定案件無法達成共識時,則 WTO 設立協 定亦有票決之規定,票決係依一會員一票之原則, 以多數決達成決議。 有下列四種情形須進行票決: (1) 任何多邊協定之解釋案,應以 3/4 之多數決通過。 (2) 有關豁免特定會員在多邊協定下之特定義務之決 議,應以 3/4 之多數決通過。 (3) 多邊協定條文之修正案, 2/3 多數決,或 3/4 多數決 (4) 新會員之加入,須在部長會議中經 2/3 多數決通過。
Goods Services Intellectual property Dispute settlement Policy review
WTO 所轄各協定 一、貨品貿易協定 二、服務貿易總協定 服務貿易總協定( General Agreement on Trade In Services ,簡稱 GATS ) 三、與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定 與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定( Agreement on Trade- Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ,簡稱 TRIPS ) 於一九九六年一月一日開始生效,為現行國際上保護與貿易 有關之智慧財產權種類最為完整之單一多邊協定。此協定所 保護之智慧財產權包括著作權及其鄰接權( neighboring rights )、商標、專利、地理標示、工業設計、積體電路佈局、 未公開資訊等
四、爭端解決規則及程序瞭解書 五、貿易政策檢討機制 六、複邊貿易協定
Developing countries. Over three-quarters of WTO members are developing or least-developed countries. Special provisions for these members are included in all the WTO agreements. The special provisions include: longer time periods for implementing agreements and commitments, measures to increase trading opportunities for these countries, provisions requiring all WTO members to safeguard the trade interests of developing countries, and support to help developing countries build the infrastructure for WTO work, handle disputes, and implement technical standards
Technical assistance and training The WTO organizes around 100 technical cooperation missions to developing countries annually.
加入 WTO 之入會程序 申請時除提交一份表達申請入會意願之函件外,尚須提交 一份「外貿體制備忘錄」。 總理事會於受理申請案後,立即成立一「工作小組」對該 入會申請案進行審查。 此後之入會程序如次: 1. 完成入會雙邊諮商工作: 2. 草擬工作小組報告及入會議定書: 3. 彙總及核驗關稅減讓表及服務業承諾表: 4. 入會工作小組採認相關入會文件: 5. 部長會議或總理事會採認申請國入會案: 6. 申請會員依其國內體制之規定完成批准程序,並將前述各 項文件連同確認接受邀請入會函遞交 WTO 秘書處。在秘書 處接獲上述文件三十天之後,申請會員即可正式成為 WTO 會員。
WTO 多邊貿易體系的十大優點 (一)促進世界和平 (二)建設性的解決貿易爭端 (三)建立規則使各國不論大小貧富 皆一體遵 循 (四)較自由的貿易可減低生活費用 (五)提供產品及品質更多選擇機會
WTO 多邊貿易體系的十大優點 (六)貿易使所得提高 (七)貿易刺激經濟成長及增加就業 (八) WTO 之基本原則使多邊貿易更有效率並 降低成本 (九)可減低政府受到利益團體關說之壓力 (十) WTO 體系激勵好的政府