Self-Sustaining Solar Powered Robot Mason Drew Mark Nolan Wesley Varghese
Problem Background Most robots today can be put in three categories: AC powered, battery powered, and solar powered Most robots today can be put in three categories: AC powered, battery powered, and solar powered Each has a significant weakness Each has a significant weakness AC – connected to outlet Battery – batteries need replacing/recharging Solar – need constant strong light source All need outside assistance to continue to function as designed All need outside assistance to continue to function as designed
Problem Statement Robots are restricted by their energy source. Some robots are required to be plugged into an outlet at all times. Others use batteries, but they must be replaced or recharged periodically. And finally, some are solar powered, but they must be in direct light at all times. All these types of robots require too much outside monitoring and assistance to operate for long periods of time.
Problem Objective The purpose of our project is to design a mobile self- sustaining robot. The robot should be able to operate unassisted for long periods of time. To do this, the robot should be able to perform a task while monitoring its battery level. Once the robot senses that its battery has dropped below a specified level, it will stop its current task to seek a strong light source. The robot should be able to navigate to the light and stop at it to charge the battery. Once the battery is charged, the robot will leave the light source and continue to perform the task assigned to it.
Design Constraints Self-sustaining – The robot should be able to operate without any assistance from the outside world. Self-sustaining – The robot should be able to operate without any assistance from the outside world. Monitor energy – The robot should be able to monitor the battery’s energy level at all times. It should know when it needs to seek more energy and it should also know when the battery is done charging. Monitor energy – The robot should be able to monitor the battery’s energy level at all times. It should know when it needs to seek more energy and it should also know when the battery is done charging. Mobile – The robot should be able to navigate on a flat surface without obstacles. Mobile – The robot should be able to navigate on a flat surface without obstacles. Light-seeking – The robot should be able to locate the strongest light source in the area and navigate toward it. Light-seeking – The robot should be able to locate the strongest light source in the area and navigate toward it. Solar-Rechargeable – Once in a strong light source, the robot should enter a charging mode where it consumes very little power and stores the energy into rechargeable batteries. Solar-Rechargeable – Once in a strong light source, the robot should enter a charging mode where it consumes very little power and stores the energy into rechargeable batteries. Light weight – The robot will have to be light enough that the motors can move it. Light weight – The robot will have to be light enough that the motors can move it.
Existing Solutions Sorjourner Sorjourner –NASA solar powered robot sent to Mars in 1997 –78 days until rendered useless Hyperion Hyperion –Solar power exploration robot publicized by Mid 2001 –NASA supported research performed by Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute –Followed sun to maintain energy levels –Tests ending in July proved successful Scoutwalker II/Sunseeker Scoutwalker II/Sunseeker –Scoutwalker II - robot designed specifically for mobility –Sunseeker – stationary pivoting robot that detects light
Key Elements/Necessary Parts Robot: Boe-Bot Robot: Boe-Bot –Board of Education Circuit Board DB9 connector for serial interfacing (good useful during programming and runtime communication) DB9 connector for serial interfacing (good useful during programming and runtime communication) 2”x1 3/8” breadboard for circuitry expansion 2”x1 3/8” breadboard for circuitry expansion 16 input/output pins for interfacing with microprocessor 16 input/output pins for interfacing with microprocessor –Parallax Basic Stamp II-IC Microprocessor Program in written PBASIC (included in 2048 bytes of EEPROM) Program in written PBASIC (included in 2048 bytes of EEPROM) On board voltage regulator (6-15 Volts -> 5 Volts) On board voltage regulator (6-15 Volts -> 5 Volts) Comsumes only 8 mA of current running (100 μA sleeping) Comsumes only 8 mA of current running (100 μA sleeping) Holds lines of code and executes up to 4000 instruction/sec Holds lines of code and executes up to 4000 instruction/sec
Board of Education
Solar Cells, Sensors, Battery, and Charging Solar cells: Sundance Super Solar Cells Solar cells: Sundance Super Solar Cells –1”x1”x0.014” size per cell –Provide efficient, cost-effective supply of 0.5V 125mA –4 pack (tentative count of 12 for a total 48 cells) Photo sensors Photo sensors –4 sensors distributed equally around robot –Go through A/D converter to provide Battery: 6V 500 mAh NiMh flat ANTPack Battery: 6V 500 mAh NiMh flat ANTPack –Lightweight (49 grams) –Provides sufficient power for needs –Measure using parallel resistor through A/D converter Charge controller Charge controller –Prevents overcharging –Constant flow of energy with possible effiecenty increase by wave transformations
Economic Analysis Environmental and Safety Analysis Provides solution to real world applications that is environmentally friendly Provides solution to real world applications that is environmentally friendly Safety procedures followed throughout design and on through testing processes Safety procedures followed throughout design and on through testing processes
Design Validation The testing environment will be a flat, smooth surface without any obstacles The testing environment will be a flat, smooth surface without any obstacles There will be two lamps in the room placed near the floor with all other ambient light turned off There will be two lamps in the room placed near the floor with all other ambient light turned off The robot will be placed in the middle of the room and will start to consume energy. The robot will be placed in the middle of the room and will start to consume energy. When “hungry”, the robot will seek a light source and replenish its power cells When “hungry”, the robot will seek a light source and replenish its power cells Repeat Repeat
Conclusion Create a self-sustaining solar powered phototropic robot that is sufficiently entertaining in its discharge cycle.