The Decade of Transients S. R. Kulkarni California Institute of Technology Pasadena, USA
Organization of talk The coming of age of transients PTF & CSS: Examples of on-going transient program Crystal ball gazing: Next generation transient facility (facilities) Role of space-based telescopes
Technology is driving Transients At optical wavelengths, Moore’s law has enabled wide field and synoptic surveys Near-IR lagging behind (sensors) Radio astronomy is undergoing a renaissance, also due to Moore’s law LOFAR, ASKAP ATA (new RF technologies) MeerKAT (new dish technology)
Catalina Sky Survey 60-cm Schmidt telescope (Catalina Mt) Single CCD 800 square degrees per night Mt. Lemmon 60-inch telescope 1 square degree mosaic imager Siding Spring 50-cm Uppsala Schmidt
2008 TC3
Frontier Fields High Energy Neutrino Astronomy GW Sources (100 Hz band) eLIGO (2009), aLIGO (2013) Ultra-high energy cosmic rays GZK cutoff (proton-photon pion production) Transients in the Nova-Supernova Gap
A Novel Two-telescope Approcach Palomar 60-inch Palomar 48-inch
PTF collaboration Caltech, LCOGT, Berkeley, LBL, IPAC, Columbia, Oxford, Weizmann
PTF projects 5 day cadence SNe search (~40%) <1 day cadence transients search (~40%) Orion field (~10%) H all-sky survey (~10%) PTF Key Projects Transients in nearby galaxies Search for eLIGO/neutrino EM counterpart Thermonuclear SNe Core Collapse SNe Blazars/AGNTidal Disruption Flares H-alpha Sky Survey Orphan GRB afterglow AM CVnCVs Galactic dynamics RR Lyrae Flare starsRotation in clusters Nearby Star Kinematics Eclipsing stars and planets AsteroidsKBOs
Statistics of Core Collapse Dwarf galaxies: Over-abundance of IIb No normal Ic BL Ic Ib Large Galaxies: Over-abundance of II Arcavi
UV spectroscopy of local Ia Nugent, Ellis, Howell, Sullivan …
UV spectroscopy of local Ia Nugent, Ellis, Howell, Sullivan …
Sorting out mysteries (via large samples) Sullivan, Kasliwal
Swift Observations Kiran ( ) M uv = −23.5 (!) for z = 0.29 UVOT uvw1, uvm2, uvw2XRT Quimby
Luminous Supernovae: New Avenues Deaths or death throes of very massive stars (but not like those found locally) Arise in tiny galaxies (likely metal poor) Long-lived optical/UV emission allows both IGM and ISM to be probed Fading source offers powerful way to study DLA Arm-chair astronomy?
Two weeks ago
Just this week
PTF is finding: 1 transient per 20 minutes 1 strong variable per 10 minutes will respond to Fermi/GBM, IceCube,LIGO TOOs
P48 survey telescope P60 classification telescope P200 Spectroscopy Lesson Learnt: An Integrated Approach
The Future
Transient Searches: Several Dimensions Several dimensions Field of View, Cadence Band, Sensitivity Focused programs (TOO, fixed targets, …) “One kippah does not fit all” This is the assumption being made by PS-1 and by LSST Wrong assumption => new opportunity for nimble players
A possible vision Vision: 10,000 square degrees per night Equip P48 with 0.5 Gigapixel sensor Conventional CCD or CMOS Reduce dead time to 20 s Treat the Asteroid problem as an opportunity A 1-m telescope for Asteroids only Rapid photometric typing and low resolution spectroscopy as a part of the project A 2-m photometry telescope A 2-m Low Resolution Spectrograph telescope
Space support A dedicated satellite would provide UV and blue observations for interesting transients All young transients in nearby galaxies Luminous supernovae [Low sky background, no moon problem, no weather problem] 15-cm UV/Blue telescope would be adequate
Topics for Discussion
In the coming years Likely LSST will be 2020 (given NSF funding profile) Dedicated facilities such as PTF or PTF2 can skim the cream aLIGO and VIRGO will reach full operational status by 2014 EM localization is the great second prize in this field Large FOV cm radio surveys will begin 2013 (ASKAP, ATA) PTF or PTF2 can provide the perfect complementarity to these surveys
Discussion PTF-2 is one suggestion. Other ideas? Importance of UV/Blue space observations Supporting Providing critical diagnostic value [IDENTIFY]