Tekst- og litteraturhistorie i de engelsksprogede lande Session Six: Postmodernism
Agenda Postmodernism: key notions Modernism and postmodernism: –Sculpture –Painting –Music –Architecture –Literature
Postmodernism: key notions Lyotard, Grand Narratives: totalising stories, naturalising explanations Baudrillard, Simulacra: Copy – copy rel. Derrida, The metaphysics of presence. Logocentrism: the inward rational principle of man, texts, … the universe
Damien Hirst, For the Love of God (2007)
Damien Hirst, A Thousand Years, 1990 Steel, glass, flies, maggots, MDF, insect-o-cutor, cow's head, sugar, water (13 x 427 x 213 cm)
This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed at home (1996)
Isolated Elements Swimming in the Same Direction for the Purposes of Understanding (1991)
Damien Hirst,The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living.
Jeff Koons, Michael Jackson and Bubbles (1988) Ceramic. 42 x 70 1/2 x 32 1/2 in. (106.7 x x 82.5 cm)
1000 de La Gauchetière (1992)
Mississauga City Hall
San Antnonio Public Library, Texas
Frank Gehry, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
Prague - Dancing House
Buildings in Düsseldorf Harbor
Postmodern music Laurie Anderson, ”O Superman”; ”Big Science” John Cage
Postmodern literature Intertextuality Pastiche
Angela Carter The Bluebeard legend Does Carter’s story say anything? What?
Donald Barthelme, ”The Balloon” Describe the narrator-protagonist –Who is he? What’s he doing as a narrator and a protagonist? What is the relationship between ”The Balloon” and the balloon? What’s the relationship between the narrator- protagonist and Donald Barthelme? What does ”The Balloon” say about text and meaning?