SEA-IT Dynamic contingency information system for maritime transportation Presented by Øyvind Endresen & Gjermund Gravir.


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Presentation transcript:

SEA-IT Dynamic contingency information system for maritime transportation Presented by Øyvind Endresen & Gjermund Gravir DNV

SEA-IT presentation Motivation Sea-It overview Results (tests) Demonstrations

Several accidents have results in drifting ships, resulting in grounding with serious oil pollution. One example is the Braer drift grounding near Shetland, that resulted in tons of oil spilled. Drifting ships may also result in collision with offshore installation. In general, accurate ship and oil drift predictions leads to better response. » SEA-IT; Motivation BRAER (United Kingdom, 1993) Source:

Motivation Significantly increased oil transport from the North West of Russia, close to the Norwegian coast. Planned annual oil transport in 2010(15) of about 1500 large oil tankers (150 Mil. tones). By accurate predicting of how far and in what direction a ship may drift, allows better decisions to be made during an emergency and oil spill response. Sources: Pers. Comm. 2004, Orlogskaptein Yngve Årøy, The Norwegian Defense B. Frantzen, and A. Bambulyak, Oil Transport from the Russian part of the Barents Region, Svanhovd Environmental Centre, July 1, Moscow University

Sea-IT; Overview Objective: Demonstrate use of improved and integrated drift and risk assessment modelling tools, using high resolution metocean data and marine resource data. Partners: Norwegian Coastal Directorate, Sintef,, Semekor, Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Duration: 2004 and 2005 Budget: 3.1 Million NOK (35 % funding from The Norwegian Research Council ) Coordinated by: Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Project leader: Øyvind Endresen (DNV) Status: Ongoing development Web: &

Sea-IT; Work packages Work package 1: Collate and assess existing information on contingency information and applied models (Sintef) Work package 2: Integrate and communicate advanced meteorological and oceanographically data ( Work package 3: Assessment of methodologies for ship drift, oil drift and environmental risk assessments (DNV) Work package 4: Sea-It Demonstrator, results from work package 1, 2 and 3 (KV/DNV) Devloped in ArcIMS (GIS on the web)

SEA-IT; Structure Modelling tools - Oil drift - Ship drift - Environmental risk - Etc Data - High resolution metocean data - Environmental resources - Modelling of oil- and ship drift - Ports, and ports of refuge - Contigency depots - Support vessels information - Oil characteristics database - Info data base (WP1) - Etc SEA-IT demonstrator (GIS on the Web)

SEA-IT; Demonstration area Reasoning: High number of vulnerable natural resources Important fish resources Relatively high risk, maritime operations Demonstration area

Ship drift modellingOil spill modelling Risk calculations SEA-IT; Integrated concept Real time modelling Statistical modelling Decision support for oil spill and planning Risk reduction Source: Source: DNV

SEA-IT Dynamic contingency information system for maritime transportation

Single scenario (test cases by Ship drift Oil spill modelling Risk ??

» Statistical drift modelling (test case by DNV) Ship driftOil spill modelling Risk ??

AIS Innovative use of AIS data Objectives Establish method for estimating real- time and projected dynamic risk, and develop risk criteria Improve safety level by integration of AIS, ship, navigation, weather, risk information etc. Improve oil spill management, combining AIS, ship, contingency, weather information etc. Improved fleet management, combining AIS, skip, navigation, port information etc. Provide AIS-data to different end users (web based) Schedule Start: January 2004 Duration: 24 months Budget: 7.2 Million NOK Members: 7 Sponsoring: The Norwegian Research Council Coordinated by: DNV

DNV R&D focus: - Improve GIS-solutions for, oil spill contingency, risk modelling and environmental management - Improvement of safety, security, environmental protection and efficiency of maritime transport (“intelligent ships”) Tools: - Ship drift and oil spill modelling - Risk tools (environment, navigation, etc) - Oil spill management systems - ActLog: operational tool for handling acute oil spill situations - ContAct: decision support system for the marine environment and oil spill contingency R&D projects (some): MARNIS (EU), SEA-IT & AIS2010 -