28-Jun-15 Test Suites Recommendations for current assignment
Test classes A unit test is a test of an individual class By convention, we name test classes after the class that is being tested For example, if we have a CodeMachine class, we would have a CodeMachineTest class for testing it Interfaces have no actual methods to be tested Abstract classes may have non-abstract methods that can be tested (and abstract ones that can’t) If a project has multiple classes, it makes sense to have a test class for each
Test classes for the current assignment Here are the classes you need: SecretCode2 (GUI class—not readily testable) CodeMachine (abstract) SimpleCodeMachine ArrayCodeMachine PigLatinMachine Here are the test classes I recommend: CodeMachineTest SimpleCodeMachineTest ArrayCodeMachineTest PigLatinMachineTest
Test suites A test suite is a class that contains calls to unit test classes (and sometimes other test suites) This is sometimes more convenient than running your unit tests one at a time Naturally, Eclipse will help you create a test suite Create your unit test classes File New… Other… Java JUnit JUnit Test Suite Click the Next button to choose which unit tests to include in the suite If you add test classes later, you can hand-edit this suite Like the JUnit test classes, it’s just ordinary java
Example test suite (slightly edited) import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; public class AllTests { public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("Test for default package"); suite.addTestSuite(CodeMachineTest.class); suite.addTestSuite(ArrayCodeMachineTest.class); suite.addTestSuite(SimpleCodeMachineTest.class); suite.addTestSuite(PigLatinMachineTest.class); return suite; }
Running the test suite Run the test suite just like any other unit test: Run Run As JUnit Test Results are very similar to those for a simple JUnit test
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