YOUR LOGO HERE Risk Management How to manage the risks inherent in programs and special events
YOUR LOGO HERE Risk Management defined: l is the process of assessing exposure to risk and taking whatever action necessary to minimize it ’ s impact. l is the proactive approach to reducing the risk of injuries.
YOUR LOGO HERE Options to minimize liability for negligence: l high liability insurance policies (potentially unaffordable to many agencies) l cancellation of programs likely to generate liability (doesn ’ t deal with the problem, could lead to stale programs) l introduction or expansion of legal bureaucracy within organizations (time consuming, and transfers costs from programming to overhead costs of administration where they have less impact !) l OR... l the adoption of a risk management philosophy together with the implementation of sound risk management policies.
YOUR LOGO HERE A comprehensive risk management program serves several purposes: l the reduction of injuries to participants l a reduction in injuries means fewer claims and court actions l a stronger defense in the case of a law suit (paper trail) l a possible reduction in insurance premiums l safer programming - the most important outcome.
YOUR LOGO HERE Risk Management Process: l identify the risks inherent in your activity (the what ?) l develop policies and procedures to minimize or eliminate the risks (the how ?) l implement the policies and procedures for risk control (the who ?) l evaluate and update your controls
YOUR LOGO HERE Emergency Action Planning Three basic elements of an emergency action plan: l ensure safety of environment l administer appropriate care l get help and or activate emergency action plan Three distinct phases of an emergency action plan: l planning before an emergency happens l what to do during an emergency l what to do after an emergency
YOUR LOGO HERE Choices to the programmer: After identifying risks you have some choices: l accept the risks and CYA l eliminate the risks altogether l transfer the risk to other parties
YOUR LOGO HERE Policies and Procedures commonly used in recreation and tourism to control risk l ensure staff and volunteers are qualified and trained l use consent forms l have first aid and CPR training l routinely inspect and maintain equipment and facilities l solicit medical information and keep records l develop emergency procedures l ensure safe transportation l use an alcohol policy l others ?