Functional Block Diagrams of Wunderbot 3 Subsystems
Functional Block Diagram - Batteries
Functional Block Diagram - Motor Controller
Functional Block Diagram - Emergency Stop
Functional Block Diagram - Digital Compass
Functional Block Diagram - Optical Encoders
Functional Block Diagram - Sonar Sensors
Functional Block Diagram - DGPS
Functional Block Diagram - Logitech WebCam
Servo Motor Control for Webcam Integrating a QBasic Program for a PIC – “Peripheral Interface Controller” into a LabView program Integrating a QBasic Program for a PIC – “Peripheral Interface Controller” into a LabView program Sending strings of commands serially RS 232 to PIC with LabView program to turn servo motors to the designated value from the program Sending strings of commands serially RS 232 to PIC with LabView program to turn servo motors to the designated value from the program Final Goal: To have Logitech Webcam sit on the servo motors and have fully functionality from the internet for live streaming video Final Goal: To have Logitech Webcam sit on the servo motors and have fully functionality from the internet for live streaming video