Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I Funding for Postdoctoral Researchers in the context of career development Drs. Ana Terres and Fiona Killard Office of the Vice-President for Research (OVPR) Researchers Development Program Lunch Time Career Development Seminars
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I PD Funding: How to start? Open calls vs closed calls? By area of research? i.e bio, eng, comp, hhs… By funding body? SFI, HRB, IRCHSS By kind of scheme? Fellowships, projects… By source? Internal vs external vs european By eligibility? 2,4, 5 years post PhD… By purpose of the grant? Commercialisation, training.. …etc
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I PhDPost Doc 1-3 yearsPost Doc 4-8 yearsPost Doc 8+ years 27* *Very Conservative Estimate 30*34*35+ You have to be STRATEGIC when applying for funding!
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I PhDPost Doc 1-3 yearsPost Doc 4-8 yearsPost Doc 8+ years HRB Marie Curie Fellowship HRB Standard Post Doc Fellowship IRCSET Empower/IRCHSS Postdocs IRCSET Inspire WT Sir Henry PostDoc Fellowships EPA PostDoc Fellowships (*) SFI PIYRA SFI SIRG ERC Starter Grant WT Career development Marie Curie Outgoing & IntraEU Fellowships (*) WT Senior Research Fellowship HFSP Long term Fellowship (*) HFSP Career Development Marie Curie Reintegration (*) EI commercialisation schemes Fellowships: Postdoc applies and salary is covered
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I PhDPost Doc 1-3 yearsPost Doc 4-8 yearsPost Doc 8+ years PI applies and PD salary is covered (PD may write grant) HRB Health Research Award RFP/Questor Projects/ National Digital Res. Centre etc PD may apply as co-applicant with PI but salary is not covered (PD may write grant) Short Term Travel Fellowships (SFI/WT) Conference Support (DCU/SFI) Research Visitors Programs (SFI/DCU) Access to Res. Facilities (Tyndall) Strategic Funding: training, networking, collaborations DCU Research Fellowship Salary for PD is partially covered for own research
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I HealthScience Engineering/ICT HSS IRCHSS HRB WT IRCSET IE Funding Bodies RIA DCRGA FULBRIGHT IRISH AID Foras Na Gaeilge FP7/ Other EU FP7/ Other EU FP7 Other EU SFI Teagasc EPA SFI Marine Institute FULBRIGHT IRCSET IE RIA Charities: CancerCancer, Cystic fibCystic fib, RD info FULLBRIGHT HFSP EMBO NIH
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I Postdocs: 1-3 years post PhD HRB Marie Curie Fellowships WT Sir Henry Postdoctoral Fellowships EMBO Postdoctoral Felloships EPA Postdoctoral Fellowships IRCSET Empower IRCSET Inspire IRCHSS postdoctoral fellowships HFSP Long term Fellowships Marie Curie Intra-European and Outgoing Fellowships Apply for a postdoctoral job abroad: EuraxesEuraxes
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I Many require mobility abroad or from the lab where you did your PhD Average 2-3 years funding Starting PD salary Grant applied for by the PD researcher Grant will look good in your CV Essential time to boost your publication record and nurture critical collaborations. Postdocs: 1-3 years post PhD
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I Postdocs: 4-7 years post PhD Marie Curie Intra-European and Outgoing Fellowships HFSP Career Development Fellowships Marie Curie Reintegration Grants Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellowships SFI President of Ireland Young Researcher Award SFI Starter Investigator Research Grant European Research Council Starter Grant Enterprise Ireland commercialisation schemes
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I Most of these grants are very hard to get and the standard is extremely high. Marie Curie grants are the most achievable option but require mobility. Project Grants that include Postdoctoral salaries are a good option. PD can have an important input into these with the PI – most funding bodies have project- type grants. Academic route?: Start applying for jobs NOW Start thinking about European project funding Postdocs: 4-7 years post PhD
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I Start thinking about EU funding asap Register as an expert evaluator for FP7expert evaluator Network in Brussels: Get known- you can get money from Enterprise Ireland to go to networking eventsevents Join a COST Action- All disciplinesJoin a COST Action-
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I Postdocs: 8+ years post PhD ERC Starter/Advance grants WT Senior Research Fellowship Marie Curie Outgoing, IntraEuropean and reintegration Fellowships. EI commercialisation schemes European funding: coordinator role? US funding?
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I European Funding: Coordinating an action? US Funding: NIH and SFI Postdocs: 8+ years post PhD Funding for multinational, collaborative research projects. These networks can be small (3 partners) or large (20+ partners). FP7 Cooperation Long shots: NIH Foreign Grants NIH/NSF Application as Co-PI or subcontractor SFI US- Ireland Partnership: Nanotechnology Diabetes Sensors Cystic Fibrosis
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I Fellowships are practically impossible to get if you are not an absolute genius Very few project grants will pay the salary of an experienced researcher if not extremely essential for the project. Time to get very creative in your approach to get funding: have to use your networks and collaborators. Think about your exit strategy and focus your efforts: academia, industry, administration, business, etc: Long term postdoc-ing is very difficult to sustain. Postdocs: 8+ years post PhD
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I Key lessons to be learned: Finding your own funding for Postdoctoral salary is easier during the first few years of postdoctoral career. Early focus on extending your collaborations and network is important: use available funding opportunities (Internal schemes, travel support, European opportunities, etc). Practice grant writing as soon as possible- work with your PI - good way to learn. Researchers have to take responsibility for the development of their careers: Start with the end in mind.
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I Focus on target or leave my options open? Post doctoral Research … … Exit strategy Academic: Lecturer Sen. Lecturer Ass Pro Pro Non Academic: Law, ethics, patents Research manager Industry Science policy Science communication/editor/producer University/Funding agency administration Entepreneur Business/financial Etc. Additional qualifications
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I AcademiaIndustry High impact publications? Research Admin/Management Additional Business Qualifications Management Experience Organisational Skills Mentoring experience Invited talks Organisation of conferences etc Entrepreneurship/Business Additional Business Qualifications Management Experience Organisational Skills Patents/know how/Entrepreneurship Invited talks Organisation of conferences Network High impact publications/Books… Patents Teaching experience Mentoring experience Invited talks Organisation of Conferences National/International recognition Technical Knowledge and ability Management Experience Depending on the industry-too many years of post doc could be detrimental- bear in mind.
Office of the Vice President for Research RDP- I Contact OVPR for help. FIONA BRENNAN: Enterprise Ireland FIONA BRENNAN: European Funding IRCHSS IRCSET Fulbright Humanities Funding ANA TERRES: All other funding