Lecture 16: Operating Systems Intro to IT COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 16 Operating Systems James Harland
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Introduction to IT 1-4 Introduction, Images, Audio, Video 5-6 Computer Fundamentals Assignment 1, WebLearn Test 1 7 Review 8 Operating Systems WebLearn Test 2 9 Operating Systems Assignment 2 10 Internet 11 Internet Security WebLearn Test 3 12 Future of ITAssignment 3, Peer and Self Assessment
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Overview Questions? Assignment 2 WebTest 2 Operating Systems Questions?
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Assignment 2 Now in the Learning Hub Assumes you are using Audacity If not, please see me asap Seems a lot, but shouldn’t be too hard once you have Audacity and your files CD task requires CD reading software Windows: ImgBurn Mac: Burn, Toast Linux: ImgBurn via Wine, or K3B, Brasero, Nero, …
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT WebTest 2 Now open Based on Computer Fundamentals material Some questions slightly different to what we have covered
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Where to begin? How do you start an operating system? Boot it! (or bootstrap) Turn on power ( ) Machine loads bootstrap program from ROM (non-volatile memory) Bootstrap program loads OS OS takes over
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Initial State When Turned On Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Load Bootstrap Program Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Bootstrap program loads OS Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Bootstrap program loads OS Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Bootstrap program has loaded OS Program Counter Instruction Register AA ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00 AA
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT OS takes over execution Program Counter Instruction Register AA ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00 AA
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Starting Up Operating Systems Program Counter Instruction Register AA ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00 AA
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Starting Up Operating Systems Program Counter Instruction Register AA ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00 AA
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Starting Up Operating Systems Program Counter Instruction Register AA ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00 AA
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Multiple boot scenario … Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Multiple boot scenario … Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Multiple boot scenario … Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Multiple boot scenario … Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Processes
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT OS Software Classification Software SystemApplication Utility Kernel Operating System Shell
Lecture 15: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Conclusion Work on Assignment 2 Web Quizzes and Web Test 2 Finish reading book!