Feature-Based Intra-/InterCoding Mode Selection for H.264/AVC C. Kim and C.-C. Jay Kuo CSVT, April 2007
Outline Introduction Overview of Proposed Algorithm Feature Selection Feature Space Partitioning Coding Mode Prediction Experimental Results
Introduction Inter/Intra Mode Decision in H.264 Skip mode, direct mode, intra modes, and inter modes Full mode decision Testing all possible modes and then choosing the best mode with smallest cost Fast algorithms Selection of optimal inter-prediction mode Selection of optimal intra-prediction mode Binary decision of intra/inter mode
Overview of Proposed Algorithm Motion activity f 1, Residual of intra prediction f 0, Residual of inter prediction MB Risk-Free Risk-Tolerable Risk-Intolerable Choose min(f 0,f 1 ) Compute risk- minimizing mode Full mode decision
Feature Selection (1/4) Intra mode feature Calculate SATD for 5 modes DC, vertical, horizontal, diagonal down-left, and diagonal down-right Let f 1 or f Intra be the SATD of the MB of the chosen modes
Feature Selection (2/4) Inter mode feature MV is obtained by MVFAST + Two more candidates Residual of every visited point is remembered in the memory Search points of a MB < 512 Let f 0 or f Inter be SATD of MB residual of the chosen MV (i,j)(i,j) (i-1,j-1) nn-1
Feature Selection (3/4) Motion activity classification Motion activity, decision error, and skipped frames Decision metric d f = f 1 – f 0 Intra (Inter): d f 0) Decision error probability P( d f 0 intra)
Feature Selection (4/4) Motion activity, RD cost difference d c, and feature difference d f d c = (D R 1 ) - (D R 0 ) Positive (Negative) if inter (intra) is better Low motionHigh motionmedium motion Best intra modeBest inter mode
Feature Space Partitioning The 3-D feature space is partitioned into three regions (off-line) L p : normalized RD cost between the best mode and the wrongly selected mode Inter mode feature Intra mode feature Motion activity Threshold
Feature Space Partitioning Let every cell has about equal training data |MV| f0f0 f1f1
Feature Space Partitioning Getting training data from Akiyo, Hall Monitor, Foreman, Coastguard, Stefan, Table Tennis, and Mobile.
Coding Mode Prediction (1/4) Risk-Free region Distribution of f 0 and f 1 in a given motion class based on feature difference Risk free
Coding Mode Prediction (2/4) Risk-tolerable/-intolerable region Risk-tolerable and Risk-intolerable
Coding Mode Prediction (3/4) Risk-tolerable region Risk function For simplicity, let stands for cost instead of R m j is the best mode m 0 : intra m 1 : inter The chosen mode Cost of deciding ~m i under m j
Coding Mode Prediction (4/4) Risk-minimizing mode selection Mode selection rule 00 Likelihood ratio 1.Parametric 2.Semi-parametric 3.Nonparametric
Experimental Results (1/6) Environments JM7.3a 32 x 32 motion search range Fast full search with 5 reference frames No B-frame QP= {10, 16, 22, 28, 34} 5 skipped frames
Experimental Results (2/6) QCIF Table Tennis
Experimental Results (3/6) QCIF Table Tennis Computation complexity Saving time
Experimental Results (4/6) QCIF Foreman 5 skipped frames 0 skipped frames
Experimental Results (5/6) QCIF Stefan
Experimental Results (6/6)