EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P. 1 1 Chapter 3 Fault-Tolerant Design
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P. 2 2 What is this chapter about? Gives Overview of Fault-Tolerant Design Focus on Basic Concepts in Fault-Tolerant Design Metrics Used to Specify and Evaluate Dependability Review of Coding Theory Fault-Tolerant Design Schemes –Hardware Redundancy –Information Redundancy –Time Redundancy Examples of Fault-Tolerant Applications in Industry
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P. 3 3 Fault-Tolerant Design Introduction Fundamentals of Fault Tolerance Fundamentals of Coding Theory Fault Tolerant Schemes Industry Practices Concluding Remarks
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P. 4 4 Introduction Fault Tolerance Ability of system to continue error-free operation in presence of unexpected fault Important in mission-critical applications E.g., medical, aviation, banking, etc. Errors very costly Becoming important in mainstream applications Technology scaling causing circuit behavior to become less predictable and more prone to failures Needing fault tolerance to keep failure rate within acceptable levels
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P. 5 5 Faults Permanent Faults Due to manufacturing defects, early life failures, wearout failures Wearout failures due to various mechanisms –e.g., electromigration, hot carrier degradation, dielectric breakdown, etc. Temporary Faults Only present for short period of time Caused by external disturbance or marginal design parameters
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P. 6 6 Temporary Faults Transient Errors (Non-recurring errors) Cause by external disturbance –e.g., radiation, noise, power disturbance, etc. Intermittent Errors (Recurring errors) Cause by marginal design parameters Timing problems –e.g., races, hazards, skew Signal integrity problems –e.g., crosstalk, ground bounce, etc.
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P. 7 7 Redundancy Fault Tolerance requires some form of redundancy Time Redundancy Hardware Redundancy Information Redundancy
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P. 8 8 Time Redundancy Perform Same Operation Twice See if get same result both times If not, then fault occurred Can detect temporary faults Cannot detect permanent faults –Would affect both computations Advantage Little to no hardware overhead Disadvantage Impacts system or circuit performance
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P. 9 9 Hardware Redundancy Replicate hardware and compare outputs From two or more modules Detects both permanent and temporary faults Advantage Little or no performance impact Disadvantage Area and power for redundant hardware
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Information Redundancy Encode outputs with error detecting or correcting code Code selected to minimize redundancy for class of faults Advantage Less hardware to generate redundant information than replicating module Drawback Added complexity in design
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Failure Rate (t) = Component failure rate Measured in FITS (failures per 10 9 hours)
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P System Failure Rate System constructed from components No Fault Tolerance Any component fails, whole system fails
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Reliability If component working at time 0 R(t) = Probability still working at time t Exponential Failure Law If failure rate assumed constant –Good approximation if past infant mortality period
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Reliability for Series System Series System All components need to work for system to work
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P System Reliability with Redundancy System reliability with component B in Parallel Can tolerate one component B failing
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Mean-Time-to-Failure (MTTF) Average time before system fails Equal to area under reliability curve For Exponential Failure Law
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Maintainability If system failed at time 0 M(t) = Probability repaired and operational at time t System repair time divided into Passive repair time –Time for service engineer to travel to site Active repair time –Time to locate failing component, repair/replace, and verify system operational –Can be improved through designing system so easy to locate failed component and verify
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Repair Rate and MTTR = rate at which system repaired Analogous to failure rate Maintainability often modeled as Mean-Time-to-Repair (MTTR) = 1/
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Availability System Availability Fraction of time system is operational t 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t S10S10 failures Normal system operation
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Availability Telephone Systems Required to have system availability of (“four nines”) High-Reliability Systems May require 7 or more nines Fault-Tolerant Design Needed to achieve such high availability from less reliable components
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Coding Theory Coding Using more bits than necessary to represent data Provides way to detect errors –Errors occur when bits get flipped Error Detecting Codes Many types Detect different classes of errors Use different amounts of redundancy Ease of encoding and decoding data varies
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Block Code Message = Data Being Encoded Block code Encodes m messages with n-bit codeword If no redundancy m messages encoded with log 2 (m) bits minimum possible
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Block Code To detect errors, some redundancy needed Space of distinct 2 n blocks partitioned into codewords and non-codewords Can detect errors that cause codeword to become non-codeword Cannot detect errors that cause codeword to become another codeword
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Separable Block Code Separable n-bit blocks partitioned into –k information bits directly representing message –(n-k) check bits Denoted (n,k) Block Code Advantage k-bit message directly extracted without decoding Rate of Separable Block Code = k/n
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Example of Separable Block Code (4,3) Parity Code Check bit is XOR of 3 message bits message 101 codeword 1010 Single Bit Parity
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Example of Non-Separable Block Code One-Hot Code Each Codeword has single 1 Example of 8-bit one-hot – , , , , , , Redundancy = 1 - log 2 (8)/8 = 5/8
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Linear Block Codes Special class Modulo-2 sum of any 2 codewords also codeword Null space of (n-k)xn Boolean matrix –Called Parity Check Matrix, H For any n-bit codeword c cH T = 0 All 0 codeword exists in any linear code
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Linear Block Codes Generator Matrix, G kxn Matrix Codeword c for message m c = mG GH T = 0
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Systematic Block Code First k-bits correspond to message Last n-k bits correspond to check bits For Systematic Code G = [I kxk : P kx(n-k) ] H = [I (n-k)x(n-k) : P T (n-k)xk ] Example
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Distance of Code Distance between two codewords Number of bits in which they differ Distance of Code Minimum distance between any two codewords in code If n=k (no redundancy), distance = 1 Single-bit parity, distance = 2 Code with distance d Detect d-1 errors Correct up to (d-1)/2 errors
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Error Correcting Codes Code with distance 3 Called single error correcting (SEC) code Code with distance 4 Called single error correcting and double error detecting (SEC-DED) code Procedure for constructing SEC code Described in [Hamming 1950] Any H-matrix with all columns distinct and no all-0 column is SEC
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Hamming Code For any value of n SEC code constructed by –setting each column in H equal to binary representation of column number (starting from 1) Number of rows in H equal to log 2 (n+1) Example of SEC Hamming Code for n=7
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Error Correction in Hamming Code Syndrome, s s = Hv T for received vector v If v is codeword –Syndrome = 0 If v non-codeword and single-bit error –Syndrome will match one of columns of H –Will contain binary value of bit position in error
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Example of Error Correction For (7,3) Hamming Code Suppose codeword has one-bit error changing it to
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P SEC-DED Code Make SEC Hamming Code SEC-DED By adding parity check over all bits Extra parity bit –1 for single-bit error –0 for double-bit error Makes possible to detect double bit error –Avoid assuming single-bit error and miscorrecting it
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Example of Error Correction For (7,4) SEC-DED Hamming Code Suppose codeword has two-bit error changing it to –Doesn’t match any column in H
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Hsiao Code Weight of column Number of 1’s in column Constructing n-bit SEC-DED Hsiao Code First use all possible weight-1 columns –Then all possible weight-3 columns –Then weight-5 columns, etc. Until n columns formed Number check bits is log 2 (n+1) Minimizes number of 1’s in H-matrix –Less hardware and delay for computing syndrome –Disadvantage: Correction logic more complex
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Example of Hsiao Code (7,3) Hsiao Code Uses weight-1 and weight-3 columns
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Unidirectional Errors Errors in block of data which only cause 0 1 or 1 0, but not both Any number of bits in error in one direction Example Correct codeword Unidirectional errors could cause –001000, , (only 1 0 errors) Non-unidirectional errors –101001, , (both1 0 and 0 1)
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Unidirectional Error Detecting Codes All unidirectional error detecting (AUED) Codes Detect all unidirectional errors in codeword Single-bit parity is not AUED –Cannot detect even number of errors No linear code is AUED –All linear codes must contain all-0 vector, so cannot detect all 1 0 errors
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Two-Rail Code Two-Rail Code One check bit for each information bit –Equal to complement of information bit Two-Rail Code is AEUD 50% Redundancy Example of (6,3) Two-Rail Code Message 101 has Codeword Set of all codewords –000111, , , , , , ,
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Berger Codes Lowest redundancy of separable AUED codes For k information bits, log 2 (k+1) check bits Check bits equal to binary representation of number of 0’s in information bits Example Information bits –log 2 (7+1)=3 check bits –Check bits equal to 100 (4 zero’s)
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Berger Codes Codewords for (5,3) Berger Code 00011, 00110, 01010, 01101, 10010, 10101, 11001, If unidirectional errors Contain 1 0 errors –increase 0’s in information bits –can only decrease binary number in check bits Contain 0 1 errors –decrease 0’s in information bits –can only increase binary number in check bits
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Berger Codes If 8 information bits Berger code requires log 2 8+1 =4 check bits (16,8) Two-Rail Code Requires 50% redundancy Redundancy advantage of Berger Code Increases as k increased
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Constant Weight Codes Constant Weight Codes Non-separable, but lower redundancy than Berger Each codeword has same number of 1’s Example 2-out-of-3 constant weight code 110, 011, 101 AEUD code Unidirectional errors always change number of 1’s
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Constant Weight Codes Number codewords in m-out-of-n code Codewords maximized when m close to n/2 as possible n/2-out-of-n when n even (n/2-0.5 or n/2+0.5)-out-of-n when n odd Minimizes redundancy of code
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Example 6-out-of-12 constant weight code 12-bit Berger Code Only 2 8 = 256 codewords
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Constant Weight Codes Advantage Less redundancy than Berger codes Disadvantage Non-separable Need decoding logic –to convert codeword back to binary message
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Burst Error Burst Error Common, multi-bit errors tend to be clustered –Noise source affects contiguous set of bus lines Length of burst error –number of bits between first and last error Wrap around from last to first bit of codeword Example: Original codeword is burst error length 4 is burst error length 4 –Any number of errors between first and last error
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Cyclic Codes Special class of linear code Any codeword shifted cyclically is another codeword Used to detect burst errors Less redundancy required to detect burst error than general multi-bit errors –Some distance 2 codes can detect all burst errors of length 4 –detecting all possible 4-bit errors requires distance 5 code
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Code Most widely used cyclic code Uses binary alphabet based on GF(2) CRC code is (n,k) block code Formed using generator polynomial, g(x) –called code generator –degree n-k polynomial (same degree as number of check bits)
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Messagem(x)g(x)c(x)Codeword 00000x x xx 2 + 1x 3 + x x + 1x 2 + 1x 3 + x 2 + x x2x2 x 2 + 1x 4 + x x x x 2 + xx 2 + 1x 4 + x 3 + x 2 + x x 2 + x + 1x 2 + 1x 4 + x 3 + x x3x3 x 2 + 1x 5 + x x 3 + 1x 2 + 1x 5 + x 3 + x x 3 + xx 2 + 1x 5 + x x 3 + x + 1x 2 + 1x 5 + x 2 + x x 3 + x 2 x 2 + 1x 5 + x 4 + x 3 + x x 3 + x 2 + 1x 2 + 1x 5 + x 4 + x x 3 + x 2 + xx 2 + 1x 5 + x 4 + x 2 + x x 3 + x 2 + x + 1x 2 + 1x 5 + x 4 + x
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P CRC Code Linear block code Has G-matrix and H-matrix G-matrix shifted version of generator polynomial
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P CRC Code Example (6,4) CRC code generated by g(x)=x 2 +1
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Systematic CRC Codes To obtain systematic CRC code codewords formed using Galois division –nice because LFSR can be used for performing division
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Galois Division Example Encode m(x)=x 2 +x with g(x)=x 2 +1 Requires dividing m(x)x n-k =x 4 +x 3 by g(x) Remainder r(x)=x+1 –c(x) = m(x)x n-k +r(x) = (x 2 +x)(x 2 )+x+1 = x 4 +x 3 +x+1
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Messagem(x)g(x)r(x)c(x)Codeword 00000x x xx 2 + 1xx 3 + x x + 1x 2 + 1x + 1x 3 + x 2 + x x2x2 x x x x 4 + x x 2 + xx 2 + 1x + 1x 4 + x 3 + x x 2 + x + 1x 2 + 1xx 4 + x 3 + x x3x3 x 2 + 1xx 4 + x 3 + x x 3 + 1x 2 + 1x + 1x 4 + x 3 + x x 3 + xx x 4 + x 3 + x x 3 + x + 1x x 4 + x 3 + x x 3 + x 2 x 2 + 1x + 1x 4 + x 3 + x x 3 + x 2 + 1x 2 + 1xx 4 + x 3 + x x 3 + x 2 + xx x 4 + x 3 + x x 3 + x 2 + x + 1x x 4 + x 3 + x 2 + x111100
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Generating Check Bits for CRC Code Use LFSR With characteristic polynomial equal to g(x) Append n-k 0’s to end of message Example: m(x)=x 2 +x+1 and g(x)=x 3 +x+1
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Checking CRC Codeword Checking Received Codeword for Errors Shift codeword into LFSR –with same characteristic polynomial as used to generate it If final state of LFSR non-zero, then error
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Selecting Generator Polynomial Key issue for CRC Codes If first and last bit of polynomial are 1 –Will detect burst errors of length n-k or less If generator polynomial is mutliple of (x+1) –Will detect any odd number of errors If g(x) = (x+1)p(x) where p(x) primitive of degree n-k-1 and n < 2 n-k-1 –Will detect single, double, triple, and odd errors
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Commonly Used CRC Generators CRC codeGenerator Polynomial CRC-5 (USB token packets)x 5 +x 2 +1 CRC-12 (Telecom systems)x 12 +x 11 +x 3 +x 2 +x+1 CRC-16-CCITT (X25, Bluetooth)x 16 +x 12 +x 5 +1 CRC-32 (Ethernet)x 32 +x 26 +x 23 +x 22 +x 16 +x 12 +x 11 +x 10 +x 8 +x 7 +x 5 +x 4 +x+1 CRC-64 (ISO)x 64 +x 4 +x 3 +x+1
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Fault Tolerance Schemes Adding Fault Tolerance to Design Improves dependability of system Requires redundancy –Hardware –Time –Information
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Hardware Redundancy Involves replicating hardware units At any level of design –gate-level, module-level, chip-level, board-level Three Basic Forms Static (also called Passive) –Masks faults rather than detects them Dynamic (also called Active) –Detects faults and reconfigures to spare hardware Hybrid –Combines active and passive approaches
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Static Redundancy Masks faults so no erroneous outputs Provides uninterrupted operation Important for real-time systems –No time to reconfigure or retry operation Simple self-contained –No need to update or rollback system state
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Triple Module Redundancy (TMR) Well-known static redundancy scheme Three copies of module Use majority voter to determine final output Error in one module out-voted by other two
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P TMR Reliability and MTTF TMR works if any 2 modules work Rm = reliability of each module Rv = reliability of voter MTTF for TMR
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Comparison with Simplex Neglecting fault rate of voter TMR has lower MTTF, but Can tolerate temporary faults Higher reliability for short mission times
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Comparison with Simplex Crossover point R TMR > R simplex when Mission time shorter than 70% of MTTF
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P N-Modular Redundancy (NMR) NMR N modules along with majority voter –TMR special case Number of failed modules masked = (N-1)/2 As N increases, MTTF decreases –But, reliability for short missions increases If goal only to tolerate temporary faults TMR sufficient
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Interwoven Logic Replace each gate with 4 gates using inconnection pattern that automatically corrects errors Traditionally not as attractive as TMR Requires lots of area overhead Renewed interest by researchers investigating emerging nanoelectronic technologies
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Interwoven Logic with 4 NOR Gates
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Example of Error on Third Y Input
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Dynamic Redundancy Involves Detecting fault Locating faulty hardware unit Reconfiguring system to use spare fault-free hardware unit
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Unpowered (Cold) Spares Advantage Extends lifetime of spares Equations Assume spare not failing until powered Perfect reconfiguration capability
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Unpowered (Cold) Spares One cold spare doubles MTTF Assuming faults always detected and reconfiguration circuitry never fails Drawback of cold spare Extra time to power and initialize Cannot be used to help in detecting faults Fault detection requires either –periodic offline testing –online testing using time or information redundancy
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Powered (Hot) Spares Can use spares for online fault detection One approach is duplicate-and-compare If outputs mismatch then fault occurred –Run diagnostic procedure to determine which module is faulty and replace with spare Any number of spares can be used
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Pair-and-a-Spare Avoids halting system to run diagnostic procedure when fault occurs
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P TMR/Simplex When one module in TMR fails Disconnect one of remaining modules Improves MTTF while retaining advantages of TMR when 3 good modules TMR/Simplex Reliability always better than either TMR or Simplex alone
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Comparison of Reliability vs Time
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Hybrid Redundancy Combines both static and dynamic redundancy Masks faults like static Detects and reconfigures like dynamic
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P TMR with Spares If TMR module fails Replace with spare –can be either hot or cold spare While system has three working modules –TMR will provide fault masking for uninterrupted operation
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Self-Purging Redundancy Uses threshold voter instead of majority voter Threshold voter outputs 1 if number of input that are 1 greater than threshold –Otherwise outputs 0 Requires hot spares
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Self-Purging Redundancy
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Self-Purging Redundancy Compared with 5MR Self-purging with 5 modules –Tolerate up to 3 failing modules (5MR cannot) –Cannot tolerate two modules simultaneously failing (5MR can) Compared with TMR with 2 spares Self-purging with 5 modules –simpler reconfiguration circuitry –requires hot spares (3MR w/spares can use either hot or cold spares)
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Time Redundancy Advantage Less hardware Drawback Cannot detect permanent faults If error detected System needs to rollback to known good state before resuming operation
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Repeated Execution Repeat operation twice Simplest time redundancy approach Detects temporary faults occurring during one execution (but not both) –Causes mismatch in results Can reuse same hardware for both executions –Only one copy of functional hardware needed
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Repeated Execution Requires mechanism for storing and comparing results of both executions In processor, can store in memory or on disk and use software to compare Main cost Additional time for redundant execution and comparison
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Multi-threaded Redundant Execution Can use in processor-based system that can run multiple threads Two copies of thread executed concurrently Results compared when both complete Take advantage of processor’s built-in capability to exploit processing resources –Reduce execution time –Can significantly reduce performance penalty
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Multiple Sampling of Ouputs Done at circuit-level Sample once at end of normal clock cycle Same again after delay of t Two samples compared to detect mismatch –Indicates error occurred Detect fault whose duration is less than t Performance overhead depends on –Size of t relative to normal clock period
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Multiple Sampling of Outputs Simple approach using two latches
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Multiple Sampling of Outputs Approach using stability checker at output
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Diverse Recomputation Use same hardware, but perform computation differently second time Can detect permanent faults that affects only one computation For arithmetic or logical operations Shift operands when performing second computation [Patel 1982] Detects permanent fault affecting only one bit-slice
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Information Redundancy Based on Error Detecting and Correcting Codes Advantage Detects both permanent and temporary faults Implemented with less hardware overhead than using multiple copies of module Disadvantage More complex design
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Error Detection Error detecting codes used to detect errors If error detected –Rollback to previous known error-free state –Retry operation
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Rollback Requires adding storage to save previous state Amount of rollback depends on latency of error detection mechanism Zero-latency error detection –rollback implemented by preventing system state from updating If errors detected after n cycles –need rollback restoring system to state at least n clock cycles earlier
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Checkpoint Execution divided into set of operations Before each operation executed –checkpoint created where system state saved If any error detected during operation –rollback to last checkpoint and retry operation If multiple retries fail –operation halts and system flags that permanent fault has occurred
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Error Detection Encode outputs of circuit with error detecting code Non-codeword output indicates error
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Self-Checking Checker Has two outputs Normal error-free case (1,0) or (0,1) If equal to each other, then error (0,0) or (1,1) Cannot have single error indicator output –Stuck-at 0 fault on output could never be detected
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Totally Self-Checking Checker Requires three properties Code Disjoint –all codeword inputs mapped to codeword outputs Fault Secure –for all codeword inputs, checker in presence of fault will either procedure correct codeword output or non-codeword output (not incorrect codeword) Self-Testing –For each fault, at least one codeword input gives error indication
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Duplicate-and-Compare Equality checker indicates error Undetected error can occur only if common-mode fault affecting both copies Only faults after stems detected Over 100% overhead (including checker)
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Single-Bit Parity Code Totally self-checking checker formed by removing final gate from XOR tree
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Single-Bit Parity Code Cannot detect even bit errors Can ensure no even bit errors by generating each output with independent cone of logic –Only single bit errors can occur due to single point fault –Typically requires a lot of overhead
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Parity-Check Codes Each check bit is parity for some set of output bits Example: 6 outputs and 3 check bits
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Parity-Check Codes For c check bits and k functional outputs 2 ck possible parity check codes Can choose code based on structure of circuit to minimize undetected error combinations Fanouts in circuit determine possible error combinations due to single-point fault
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Checker for Parity-Check Codes Constructed from single-bit parity checkers and two-rail checkers
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Two-Rail Checkers Totally self-checking two-rail checker
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Berger Codes Inverter-free circuit Inverters only at primary inputs Can be synthesized using only algebraic factoring [Jha 1993] Only unidirectional errors possible for single point faults –Can use unidirectional code –Berger code gives 100% coverage
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Constant Weight Codes Non-separable with lower redundancy Drawback: need decoding logic to convert codeword back to its original binary value Can use for encoding states of FSM –No need for decoding logic
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Error Correction Information redundancy can also be used to mask errors Not as attractive as TMR because logic for predicting check bits very complex However, very good for memories –Check bits stored with data –Error do not propagate in memories as in logic circuits, so SEC-DED usually sufficient
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Error Correction Memories very dense and prone to errors Especially due to single-event upsets (SEUs) from radiation SEC-DED check bits stored in memory 32-bit word, SEC-DED requires 7 check bits –Increases size of memory by 7/32=21.9% 64-bit word, SEC-DED requires 8 check bits –Increases size of memory by 8/64=12.5%
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Memory ECC Architecture
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Hamming Code for ECC RAM Z 1 Z 2 Z 3 Z 4 Z 5 Z 6 Z 7 Z 8 c 1 c 2 c 3 c 4 Parity Group Parity Group Parity Group Parity Group
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Memory ECC SEC-DED generally very effective Memory bit-flips tend to be independent and uniformly distributed If bit-flip occurs, gets corrected next time memory location accessed Main risk is if memory word not access for long time –Multiple bit-flips could accumulate
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Memory Scrubbing Every location in memory read on periodic basis Reduces chance of multiple errors accumulating in a memory word Can be implemented by having memory controller cycle through memory during idle periods
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Multiple-Bit Upsets (MBU) Can occur due to single SEU Typically occur in adjacent memory cells Memory interleaving used To prevent MBUs from resulting in multiple bit errors in same word
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P TypeIssuesGoalExamplesTechniques Long-Life Systems Difficult or Expensive to Repair Maximize MTTF Satellites Spacecraft Implanted Biomedical Dynamic Redundancy Reliable Real-Time Systems Error or Delay Catastrophic Fault Masking Capability Aircraft Nuclear Power Plant Air Bag Electronics Radar TMR High Availability Systems Downtime Very Costly High Availability Reservation System Stock Exchange Telephone Systems No Single Point of Failure; Self-Checking Pairs; Fault Isolation High Integrity Systems Data Corruption Very Costly High Data Integrity Banking Transaction Processing Database Checkpointing, Time Redundancy; ECC; Redundant Disks Mainstream Low-Cost Systems Reasonable Level of Failures Acceptable Meet Failure Rate Expectations at Low Cost Consumer Electronics Personal Computers Often None; Memory ECC; Bus Parity; Changing as Technology Scales
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Concluding Remarks Many different fault-tolerant schemes Choosing scheme depends on Types of faults to be tolerated –Temporary or permanent –Single or multiple point failures –etc. Design constraints –Area, performance, power, etc.
EE141 System-on-Chip Test Architectures Ch. 3 - Fault-Tolerant Design - P Concluding Remarks As technology scales Circuits increasingly prone to failure Achieving sufficient fault tolerance will be major design issue