3. Reference and Sense  Objective: –Students are able to explain the notion of reference, kinds of reference and able to differentiate them.


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Presentation transcript:

3. Reference and Sense  Objective: –Students are able to explain the notion of reference, kinds of reference and able to differentiate them

TIK 3 Reference and Sense  Topics: –Reference –Referent –Kinds of Reference –Sense

TIK 3 Reference and sense  Reference : the relation between unit of language and the entity in the world  The relationship between – and the expression ‘heart’ – and the expression ‘star’

TIK 3 Reference and sense  Referent – Referent of the expression ‘heart’ – – Referent of the expression ‘star’

KINDS OF REFERENCE Variable reference My ear 1 expression > 1 referents

KINDS OF REFERENCE Constant reference The sun 1 expression 1 referent

KINDS OF REFERENCE ?? Venus >1 expressions The morning star The evening star 1 referent Venus

Sense  Relation ship between linguistics units  E.g. antonymy, synonymy

Conclusion  Reference : relationship between a unit of language and an entity in the world –Referent : the entity referred by reference –Kinds of reference : variable, constant,..  Sense : the relationship between units of language

TIK 3 exercises Reference and Sense  Group work:  Make up a conversation containing three kinds of reference and explain the differences of the reference