Introduction to Motivation Donovan Ambrose & Kulik Eccles & Wigfield
Agenda – 6/2/05 Course Reading Packet Questions, Comments, or Concerns Reminders Introduction to Motivation Break Motivation Activity Assignment to Groups Group Time
Course Reading Packet UCP Is Open Until 6:00 PM
Questions, Comments, or Concerns Define Leader and Manager. Define Motivation. Name 3 Motivation Theories.
Introduction to Motivation Historical Background Common Themes Methodological Issues Theoretical Issues
Historical Background RRoots in Classical and Operant Conditioning (e.g., Pavlov; Skinner) SSocial Comparison (Festinger, 1954) CCognitive Dissonance (Festinger, 1957) SSocial Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1987) RRelationship between Attitudes, Intent, and Action (Theory of Planned Behavior; Ajzen, 1988)
Common Themes of Motivation Theories Survival Perceptions Social Attributional Cognitions Goals Control
Methodological Issues NNo Agreed Upon Dependent Variable Fairness? Performance? SSampling Issues Workplace? Students? DDesign Issues Cross Sectional? Between Subjects? Longitudinal or Within Subjects?
Theoretical Issues What is Theory? Explains What, When, How, and Why Micro and Meso-Level Theories Dependent on Outcomes Lack of Unified Macro-Level Theory of Work Motivation
Break 20 Minute Break
Motivation Activity Write a List of What Motivates You Stream of Consciousness Share Your List with a Neighbor Add and Subtract Rank Order Your Final List Top 5 Motivators Only Class Poll What Does this Mean for Managers?
Assignment to Groups Meet and Greet Schedule GRP
Next Tuesday Needs Theories Rauschenberger et al. (1980) Chusmir & Azevedo (1992) Cornelius & Lane (1984) SAP 1 and GRP 1 Have a Great Weekend!