LBG Valladolid Presentation Iberian Meeting Carlos III
Board of European Students of Technology FiBEST vs. UVaempleo Our Objectives International Involvement Current Projects Future Projects FiBEST vs. UVaempleo Just after the last RM, our university was preparing a Jobfair…
Board of European Students of Technology FiBEST vs. UVaempleo …but with the hard work of the LBG FiBEST is going to be a great SUCCESS FiBEST vs. UVaempleo Our Objectives International Involvement Current Projects Future Projects
Board of European Students of Technology FiBEST vs. UVaempleo CVs collected on-line - 20 companies participating - Big economical benefits FiBEST vs. UVaempleo Our Objectives International Involvement Current Projects Future Projects
Board of European Students of Technology Our objectives… Besides this great challenge, the tried to accomplish other objectives such as: - Increase our International Involvement. - Involving more people in CMTs. - Trying to send people to International Events. - Show that we know how to do serious things :P. - Inviting International BEST representants to our Jobfair. - Preparing a project to organize PM07 - Asking to organize bePROUD FiBEST vs. UVaempleo Our Objectives International Involvement Current Projects Future Projects
Board of European Students of Technology Members Involved in CMTs: - 2 new TIGro Kittens. - 1 person in PRteam Assistants to TSs: - 1 person to beMORE. International Involvement FiBEST vs. UVaempleo Our Objectives International Involvement Current Projects Future Projects
Board of European Students of Technology Current Projects Current projects: - Cultural Exchange between Valladolid, Supéléc & Bucharest - SC06: “Wind - Water - Heat - Sun: The power is around us” FiBEST vs. UVaempleo Our Objectives International Involvement Current Projects Future Projects
Board of European Students of Technology Future Projects bePROUD: - Beginning October PM07 - We are preparing the project to present it at GA. FiBEST vs. UVaempleo Our Objectives International Involvement Current Projects Future Projects
Board of European Students of Technology ???