Photo Acknowledgements: © Media Awareness Network, Canada GVSD Tech College Copyright, Online Resources & Web 2.0 Instructor: Dave Hildebrand GVSD ICT Coordinator
Lesson Outline Topic 1: Copyright & the Web Topic 2: Online Resources Topic 3: Web 2.0 & the Tech Integrated Classroom "Integrity is doing the right thing even if no one will know". – Anonymous Quote
What is “Copyright”? Copyright is the exclusive right to copy a creative work or allow someone else to do so. It includes the sole right to publish, produce or reproduce, to perform in public, to communicate a work to the public by telecommunication, to translate a work, and in some cases, to rent the work. Copyright applies to all original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works. Eg. books, other writings, music, sculptures, paintings, photographs, films, plays, television and radio programs, computer programs, sound recordings, performer's performances and communication signals.
Copyright and the Web Everything found on the Web is copyright protected—even if it doesn’t say so! This includes: –Pictures and graphics –Music and song lyrics –Audiovisual recordings and videos –Sound clips and music (MP3) files –Blueprints, plays, and screenplays * This is a problem, since the Web was designed technically to allow copying.
Copyright and the Web – Cont’d Which means that you cannot: –Print a Web page –Copy the HTML, JavaScript, or other code –Download an image –Print an image …Unless the following conditions apply: 1. You have permission from the owner 2. The site allows for limited non-profit use * It’s always good to mention author and source.
Copyright and the Web – Cont’d What are your ‘best practice’ options then? 1. Obtain permission from authors 2. Use sites that have put graphics into the public domain. Eg. Non-profit, education public domain –Watch the “free” sites though! 3. Create your own graphics, pictures, photos 4. Use free clipart 5. Use proper referencing for text materials
Referencing Text Materials There are several referencing styles out there. Eg. APA, MLA, etc. The important items to include in a reference: –The Author’s name –Full title of the document –Title of complete work, if applicable –Version or file numbers –Date of document’s publication (or last revision) –Full HTTP address –Date you visited the site
Copyright and the Web – Cont’d Downloading Uploading Copyright Privacy
Copyright and Privacy Protection It’s hard to control what our kids do online Kids need to be protected! From what and whom? Marketers, Cyber-bullying, Pedophiles, family members, etc. Canada has no legislation specifically prohibiting the collection of information from children through electronic media. The U.S. has COPPA legislation
Copyright and Privacy Protection When using Wikis or blogs with students: 1. Protect students’ identities 2. Avoid offering demographic data 3. Select suitable blog/wiki hosts 4. Check the privacy policy
Creative Commons Movement A ‘grass-roots’ movement reacting to the strict “All Rights Reserved” Copyright world of big business It attempts to offer people a ‘middle ground’ of offering others usage, while still protecting oneself. i.e. “Some Rights Reserved” See the GVSD’s ictatgvsd pbwiki site for info on this.ictatgvsd pbwiki
Online Resources – Grades 5-8 Educational sites tend to fall into one or more of the following categories: 1. Portals offering ‘one-stop’ access to resources 2. Theme or subject-specific sites 3. Lesson plan sites 4. Online project/collaboration centres
Online Resources - Cont’d What constitutes a good online resource? 1. It makes your teaching easier not harder 2. Developed by educators for educators 3. Offers help in understanding how the technology resource is to be used 4. Doesn’t just provide information ‘overload’ –See 5. Avoid sites with strong corporate agenda –See 6. Some depth on the cognitive range
Online Resources - Cont’d Canadian-based educational sites are valuable and sometimes preferable: –E.g. CanTeachCanTeach –E.g. National Film BoardNational Film Board Education is universal→Feel free to explore sites from around the world! An excellent starting point for all Manitoba educators is MECY’s Curriculum NavigatorCurriculum Navigator
The New Web: Web 2.0 Described the emerging world of distributed computing Sun’s dream is being made reality by Google Google is already talking about Web 3.0 –Small & Fast Apps –Run on any device (PC or mobile) –Distributed Virally (via social networks or ) “The Network is the Computer” John Gage, Sun Microsystems, 1984
The New Web: Web 2.0 Web 2.0 is a perceived or proposed second generation of the web. The Web is evolving from a ‘one-way’ medium to a full- fledged computing platform enabling people to publish, collaborate, and share information online. Blogs, Wikis, and Social Networking are examples
The New Web: Web 2.0 Web 2.0 is all about: Tech integration Creating new technology mashupsmashups Embracing the idea of community