’03 Fall Schedule Information And its relationship to the ’03 Classroom Utilization Report Student Information Management System (SIMS) Office of Facilities Coordination Registration Office
’03 Fall Schedules Provide the raw data for the classroom utilization report for next fallProvide the raw data for the classroom utilization report for next fall –Building names –Room numbers –Class start times
Classroom Utilization Report Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board CBM005Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board CBM005 Record of EXACTLY where and when the classes occurredRecord of EXACTLY where and when the classes occurred Information must match exactly with both the CBM004 Report and the Space InventoryInformation must match exactly with both the CBM004 Report and the Space Inventory
Who Sees the Results TAMU ProvostTAMU Provost State LegislatureState LegislatureState LegislatureState Legislature State and National MediaState and National MediaState and National MediaState and National Media
Common Errors Inaccurate building abbreviation Inaccurate building abbreviation Imprecise or inaccurate room number – 5 instead of 005 – 110 instead of 110C Lec and lab start at same time in same room Single lab meets in multiple locations Single lab meets in multiple locations Mini-semesters
Contact Information Registration Office Registration Office SIMS Office SIMS Office Facilities Coordination Facilities Coordination