X-ray optics in the BMAD beam dynamics computer code Joel Brock, Georg Hoffstaetter, Dave Sagan, and Karthik Narayan
Phase space representation of optical elements Example: “drift tube” Example: “focusing element”
Storage Ring Optics
Bmad Bmad is a software library for relativistic charged particle simulations. Bmad has been in development at Cornell since the mid 1990s. Bmad is written in object oriented Fortran90. Bmad is not a program but a toolkit to be used by programs. Bmad is used extensively at Wilson Lab. Examples: For CESR: Lattice design (bmadz) Simulation (cesrv) Orbit and optics corrections (cesrv) For Cornell ERL: Design and analysis (Tao / Chris Mayes, Stu Peck) Beam breakup analysis (bbu_program / Jim Crittenden) Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) analysis (Tao / Chris Mayes) Intrabeam scattering (Michael Ehrlichman) For Chess: Synchrotron radiation heat load calculations (cesrv)
Goal of Project: Extend BMAD to be able to simulate x-ray beam lines.