General model of health transition Development Economics Lecture 7-8 Barbara Liberda
Epidemiologic transition I Plagues II Communicative or infectious diseases III Degenerative diseases and man-made diseases IV Old age disease
Models of epidemiologic transition Classical - European Fast – Japan Contemporary – Retarded epidemiologic transition in Less Developed Economies
General model of health transition WHO LE - life expectancy HALE - healthy life expectancy QALY - quality adjusted life years HLY - healthy life years
General model of health transition WHO DALY - disability-adjusted life years DALE - disability-adjusted life expectancy DFLE - disability-free life expectancy DisFLE disease-free life expectancy LEWD - life expectancy with diseases
General model of health transition WHO
Nigeria 2000
Nigeria 2050
Brazil 2000
Brazil 2050
Cameroon 2000
Cameroon 2050
Bolivia 2000
Bolivia 2050
Malaysia 2000
Malaysia 2050